GIM (Geometry Image) in JOGL or just using it in OGL

Hallo Everybody!

At the time of discovering of internet, i’ve find an interesting thing…

The Geometry Images…
3D model has been converted to simple 2d image (values of color of pixel rgb is like a vertex coordinates xyz), and free the LOD of model will be simple like mip-mapping of simple image…
in some paper about GIM i’ve find some theory of algorythm:

Listing1: GI Generation

Activate FBO
   Set Othogonal Projection
   Enable passtrhu shader
      For every vertex of the 3D model
         Color (x,y, z)
         drawVertex(s , t )
   Disable passtrhu shader
Deactivate FBO

Listing2: Mipmap Generation

j=GI width , k=GI height
Activate FBO
   Set Orthogonal Projection
   Enable passtrhu shader
      For every vertex of the 3D model
         Color (x,y, z)
         drawVertex(s , t )
      For j>=8
         Translate (GI width , GI height-k,0)
         j=j /2 , k=k/2
         Scale (j , k, 0)
         For every vertex of the 3D model
            Color (x,y, z)
            drawVertex(s , t )
   Disable passtrhu shader
Deactivate FBO

but i cant find an examples of using it on JOGL or OGL :-
did anyone has know or use gim please help in learning it…

The same effect can be achieved in OpenGL using vertex texture fetch in the vertex shader, and with the advent of the geometry shader I’m sure an endeavoring mind could come up with some real interesting uses.

Here’s an old paper on vertex texture fetch…

mmm…i think i understand what you mean, - compute in vertex shader using SM 3.0 and Vertex_Texture from image geometry using every pixel as coordinates of vertex?