Getting started

I am new to jME and new to Java. I followed the “Getting Started” tutorial in the jME official site, download the jME from, and build them with ANT. Everything goes well, but when I test the demo, errors appear:

D:\jME>java -Djava.library.path=./lib -cp ./lib/lwjgl.jar;./lib/jogg-0.0.5
est-data.jar jmetest.effects.TestDynamicSmoker
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jmetest/effects/TestD

Getting started page doesn’t reflect this fact (changing it right now…), but now there are multiple jars created for various modules (for instance DynamicSmoker requires jme-effects.jar). So, look in your target directory and include all the jars.

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