Hello all.
I have been following several tutorials to try and get started with JOGL but am finding that they are either very out of date or I download/installed something incorrectly.
I grabbed the latest “jogl.jar” and “jogl-natives-windows-i586.jar” from the JOGL homepage. I loaded them into IntelliJ Idea and began coding one of the many Hello World examples.
My first conflict is the import statements. The tutorials speak of “net.java.games.jogl”, but Idea wants to import “javax.media.opengl” – I looked in the jogl.jar file and the structure matches the latter, so I figured it had just changed.
However I run into another problem when I try to create my GLCanvas. The tutorials tell me to do the following:
GLCanvas canvas = GLDrawableFactory.getFactory().createGLCanvas(new GLCapabilities());
But there is no “createGLCanvas” to the GLDrawableFactory class. Most perplexing.
Have things changed from the last tutorial updates, or did I install something incorrectly?