Getting back in touch with reality

So for the past yearish, I have been pretty much on this laptop every single day for hours on end, learning, reading and coding.

I was doing this mainly to increase my chances in getting onto a HND course in Game Dev, I have achieved this and recently for the past 2 weeks, this laptop has been under the stairs collecting dust.

Today is the first day I have been on it to do any significant work, I have projects I want to complete but at the moment I feel as if I have “accomplished” what I aimed for and I need to take a step back and get back in touch with the real world.

So far the past 2 weeks I have been away camping for a few days, away at the weekend up north with the missus, been biking to work and after work every day…hell yesterday I spent 6 HOURS on a hill 750ft above sea-level making a short film for no real reason, mainly just for fun ( I also took the bike up because the track down is insane).

How often do you guys say “enough is enough, I need a break”?