Cool! I’ll have to check it out then!
Oh, by the way, here’s the output for my laptop running Ubuntu 12.04:
// Recover the Graphics Environment (usually no need to store it, but just being verbose for clarity)
java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment localEnvironment = java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
// Recover Device List
java.awt.GraphicsDevice[] deviceList = localEnvironment.getScreenDevices();
// Recover Display Modes for Device 'i'
java.awt.DisplayMode[] modeList = deviceList[i].getDisplayModes();
// Recover Graphics Configurations for Device 'i'
java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration[] gfxConfigList = deviceList[i].getConfigurations();
This is the result. The first list is a log of all the graphics modes (my laptop only returns a single device), and then the first log of the many graphics configurations (didn’t want to post them all).
Note that I parse the data a bit, you can’t just .toString() this stuff.
20130419-223847 - [DEBUG]: -----------------------------------------------Display Info:
Device [0]: :0.0
Compatible Modes:
Mode [0] Size[1920x1080] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [1] Size[1600x1200] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [2] Size[1680x1050] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [3] Size[1280x1024] Depth[-1] Refresh[75]
Mode [4] Size[1280x1024] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [5] Size[1440x900] Depth[-1] Refresh[75]
Mode [6] Size[1440x900] Depth[-1] Refresh[60] ACTIVE
Mode [7] Size[1280x960] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [8] Size[1280x800] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [9] Size[1152x864] Depth[-1] Refresh[75]
Mode [10] Size[1024x768] Depth[-1] Refresh[75]
Mode [11] Size[1024x768] Depth[-1] Refresh[70]
Mode [12] Size[1024x768] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [13] Size[832x624] Depth[-1] Refresh[75]
Mode [14] Size[800x600] Depth[-1] Refresh[72]
Mode [15] Size[800x600] Depth[-1] Refresh[75]
Mode [16] Size[800x600] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [17] Size[800x600] Depth[-1] Refresh[56]
Mode [18] Size[640x480] Depth[-1] Refresh[73]
Mode [19] Size[640x480] Depth[-1] Refresh[75]
Mode [20] Size[640x480] Depth[-1] Refresh[67]
Mode [21] Size[640x480] Depth[-1] Refresh[60]
Mode [22] Size[720x400] Depth[-1] Refresh[70]
20130419-223847 - [DEBUG]: -------------------------------------Device [ :0.0 ] Info:
GraphicsConfig[0]: DEFAULT
Configuration [ X11GraphicsConfig[dev=X11GraphicsDevice[screen=0],vis=0x21] ]:
Bounds: java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=1440,height=900]
BufferCapabilities: sun.awt.X11GraphicsConfig$XDBECapabilities@3cca6f82
ColorModel: DirectColorModel: rmask=ff0000 gmask=ff00 bmask=ff amask=0
DefaultTransform: AffineTransform[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
Type: 0
Scale X: 1.0
Scale Y: 1.0
Shear X: 0.0
Shear Y: 0.0
Translate X: 0.0
Translate Y: 0.0
ImageCapabilities: java.awt.ImageCapabilities@1c78014a
NormalizingTransform: AffineTransform[[1.333333333333333, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.334033613445378, 0.0]]
Type: 4
Scale X: 1.3333333333333333
Scale Y: 1.3340336134453783
Shear X: 0.0
Shear Y: 0.0
Translate X: 0.0
Translate Y: 0.0
isTranslucencyCapable: NO
ImageCapabilities: IsAccelerated: YES
IsTrueVolatile: NO
As you can see, a pretty simple code results in a lot of data that you don’t seem to be getting. Probably the drivers are to blame (HP laptop with hybrid Intel/ATI card in my case).