we dont have a specific way to get subimages in JavaFx like we had in Api2D with ImageIO, however i paste this code here so you can transform an image strip into an array of images:
suppose i have an image strip of 10 frames of 32x32 ( 320x32 ), then i want to separate all frames in individual images
getImage( 10, 32,32,"myStrip.png" );
public static Image[] getImage( int frames, int w, int h, String pathFile )
Image[] imgs = new Image[ frames ];
//img that contains all frames
Image stripImg = new Image( pathFile );
PixelReader pr = stripImg.getPixelReader();
PixelWriter pw = null;
for( int i = 0; i < frames ; i++)
WritableImage wImg = new WritableImage( w, h );
pw = wImg.getPixelWriter();
for( int readY = 0 ; readY < h; readY++ )
int ww = (w * i);
for( int readX = ww; readX < ww + w; readX++ )
//get pixel at X & Y position
Color color = pr.getColor( readX, readY );
//set pixel to writableimage through pixel writer
pw.setColor(readX - ww, readY, color);
//finally new image is stored
imgs[ i ] = wImg;
stripImg = null;
pr = null;
pw = null;
return imgs;