Get raw input values

Hi everyone,

for a project i need to read out the raw values of a custom gamecontroller device.
When i use the getPollData() function the components (axis) always returns a value between 0 and 2.
But as said, i need the raw data. I tried to use the RawInputEnvironmentPlugin, but that doesnt changed anything.

Can anyone help me?

JInput doesn’t modify the values, it just passes on the values that the OS presents it.


But the system doesnt presents values from 0 to 2? When i access the controller direct via windows system settings or with dxtweak i get values from 0 to 1023?

They are UIs over the top of the OS, what values does the driver return?


Hmmm, i have no idea. It is a device which gets recognized plug and play by windows as a gamecontroller with 4 axis. I hoped that i could read out the raw values with jinput like DXtweak does…

multiply it by 512 and your values will look just like the ones from the dx tool, it probably does the same thing inside it’s ui.


No, that doesnt work. There is also an axis with an “unlimited” max value, used to measure weights. In DXtweak i can see the raw value, starting with 0 and rising as the weight gets more. With JInput the value just stops at 2, so i cant measure anything above. I guess i have to find another solution =(

When you check the properties of that axis, does it report that it is normalised in jinput?