Generate class diagram from source code

There’s been an interesting topic on UML tools in this forum.
There are a few nice ones. Some of them featured a kind of “generate class diagramm from source code”. However, these mostly disappointed me (the ones in the free UML tools at least). (*)

So here’s my question: Is there a (if possible: free) class diagram generator from Java source code?
I don’t want to edit the diagram afterwards, I’d just like to have an accurate overview. Basically the other way round of an UML editor tool.

I’d like to use it like Javadoc, and as oftenly as Javadoc. I wonder why Javadoc doesn’t go further and produce a nice diagram. (No criticism, I like Javadoc very much and it’s a great invention of SUN to provide such tools.)
The Javadoc “clone” Doxygen (mainly for C++) tries to produce som basic diagrams (in Png format), but it’s just the inheritance view of classes. This is nice, but just a very start.

Thanks for any hints.

(*) Oh English… What’s correct to say: generate a diagram from source code? or: generate a diagram out of code, or …? Thanks.

If you’ve tried Argo UML and the Omondo UML plugin for Eclipse I would guess they are the best free tools at the moment.

*… oh and in English I think either way makes sense to me. Using ‘from’ is probably better since ‘out of’ might suggest that the lines on the diagram are drawn using really tiny lines of text that read like source code :).

wouldn’t it be great to have a simplified class diagram and corresponding source code working hand in hand?! ::slight_smile:
When changes are made to either the Java source or the class diagrams, these changes are immediately reflected in the other… Stopping to consider them as two sparated processes!

I think that is how the Omondo UML plugin is supposed to work. But I could be out to lunch.

Yep, thats how the plugin is meant to work.

If you search around the forums this discussion has been had in depth several times. There are negative and positive points for considering the UML and code seperate and likewise for considering it one…


[quote]So here’s my question: Is there a (if possible: free) class diagram generator from Java source code?
I don’t want to edit the diagram afterwards, I’d just like to have an accurate overview. Basically the other way round of an UML editor tool.
Well, yes, now I found such a tool - but it’s not free. :frowning:
In the current JBuilder X version the free Foundation version to download contains all (?) the commercial developer and enterprise edition’s components on a 30 day trial basis. And there’s this “view UML” switch next to your source code. It works very well, on the fly, and is pretty helpful. But I’m afraid it’s too expensive for a hobbiest developer.

Well well.

Not free but excellent: the class diagrams from Together.

Just cannot handle inner classes and such, but I think there isn’t any notion to express these in UML at all?

And when talking about JavaDoc … the JavaDoc generated by Together also is excellent! Contains the diagrams as clickable elements!!