Gemp Balls - animation library showcase

Hi, I’ve just put a work in progress game online for you to see:

JDK1.6 is required and at least 1.6.0_13 is recommended (because of graphical pipeline enhanced from that version).

I’m mostly interested in comments about the animation and what kind of FPS are you getting (shown in lower-left of the screen), what machine are you running it on and JDK.

If anyone is interested in continuing work on the game, feel free to post here. The game is developed on SourceForge, as part of the animation engine. If you wish, I can give you access to the project, so you can focus on the game, while I can continue with the core engine development.

cant never see three of the same color !!!

look nice, 150-300 fps when doing nothing and 30-40 fps otherwise (rotating weel or moving mouse over ball)
Java 1.6-015 - Vista - Intel CoreDuo T7500

You need to drag (switch) the stones to create the lines of 3. Similar to Bejeweled.

Thanks for the FPS results.

Might be some funny stuff with my Java setup, but here’s what I got on an Athlon X2 4000+, Ubuntu 8.10:

I usually run web starts with 6u10, and haven’t had problems before.

I’m getting 64-15 fps :

  • Windows XP
  • Core 2 Duo 2,8GHz
  • Intel G45
  • Java 1.6.0_13

It seems to work fine.

That might be because I do some fancy graphics code, which might be using some features introduced in 1.6u13. Well, if you want fancy high fps graphics - you need to use this or later release.