GdxState is a state library for use in libgdx made by me. take a look contains the source code and a demo project
gdxstate.jar the library

You should provide source code and example in Github if you want people to take a look.

And maybe actually tell us what the library does and doesn’t. xd

I have added some source codes

I added a small list of functions.

Hey guys. Sorry for the initiali lack-luster github page. It was my first time using github and I couldn’t figure out to add my project to it. I still haven’t. Anyways, I added the source code directly to it, as well as better explanations as suggested by you guys. So check it out.:

Looking good. Congrats on your first GitHub project. :point:

To make your repository look a bit more professional, you should move your test/demo code to a separate package so that the core classes are clearly contained. I’m also still a bit confused about what your project does. I get that it’s about managing game states, but what people want to know is what kind of problems it solves; basically why they should use it. Adding that as a kind of introduction/summary would help a lot. It’s just hard right now to get a good overview of what exact purpose the library fills.

Sorry if I’m sounding negative; I just have a strong tendency to focus on things that can be improved. Good if you want to solve problems, bad in social situations.

Thanks. I like your advice. I’ll keep working on it.

Hi guys. I am not developing GdxState anymore. I have refactored the entire project and started over from scratch. The new project name is GdxScreen. This version only uses one active screen at a time. It provides a special screen called Transition that handles all your transitional effects from one screen to the next. The core part of the library is working very well - I do not detect any bugs so far :). It is pretty much usable now. The GdxSave and GdxPrefs classes in the utils package still needs work. The current Prerelease version is 0.0.4. Go take a look. Tell me what you think.

I’d recommend making GdxScreen abstract and then implementing a couple of the less used Screen functions in GdxScreen. When a user extends GdxScreen, they obviously want the basic functions like create(), render(), etc… But resize() might be used less often.

Also, take a look at your use of the ‘final’ keyword. You seem to really like it! Not a bad thing per se, but it would be good to just revisit the concept!

Is it possible to use a fixed timestep with this?

I believe so.

I would like to publish the project to the central repository.

The library is pretty much ready for release. I want to publish it to the central repository but unable to do so. I am using Eclipse and libGdx’s Gradle build. I have looked at the instructions at the but it is not working. Can any one give me the answer how to?

Hey guys. I have figured out how to add a libGdx project to the central repository. Follow the guide:
You will use the gradle format. The grade code goes to the bottom of your core project build file.
Configuration data goes into the file. You run ‘./gradlew uploadArchives’ in your terminal.

So, GdxScreen is in the central repository. It is not sync yet but will very shortly. You can now access it through gradle
to add to your current libGdx project.

In the Core build file:

inside of the ext braces add ‘GdxScreenVersion = ‘0.0.6’’ or the latest version number instead of 0.0.6.

inside project(":core") dependencies braces add ‘“com.github.rickodesea.gdxscreen:gdxscreen:$GdxScreenVersion”’

You can take a look at the demo project to see how it is done:

Central Repo Snapshot:

Central Repo Release:

GdxScreen is finally done ;D. I hope the community likes it :

Enjoy, I hope to add more cool features to it in the features.

Version update for GdxScreen: 0.0.7