GameJolt Contest!

GameJolt just announced its first game development contest, it’ll run for a week, after which 3 winners will be picked.

The theme for the contest is “Shocking”.

Do consider entering, its one of the few gaming sites which supports Java Applets (including Slick, LWJGL, JOGL, jME Applets :slight_smile: ) and at the same time gives Java developers a chance to make some money by sharing ad revenue with them.

Other technologies are also supported like Flash, Silverlight, Unity, etc, its nice to see Java Applets go toe to toe with them and do well (see ratings on online games).

[quote]Hey everyone!

Some of you may have already heard about Game Jolt’s plans regarding an Ad Revenue Sharing system for developers. We’re extremely excited to finally announce that the closed beta is now starting! We’ve posted more information on the site to hopefully answer all the questions you may have.

More information on how Ad Revenue Sharing will work can be found at:

That’s not all, though. To kick off the beta we’re going to be running a game making contest! Three winners will be picked, all of which will be immediately accepted into the closed beta of the Ad Revenue Sharing system as well as have their games featured on the front page of the site. A first place winner will also receive a free single game from Steam (no packs)!

More information on the contest (rules and such) can be found at:

We’re totally psyched to finally get the Ad Revenue Sharing system rolling and closer to being ready for the public, and we hope to see lots of great contest entries as well.

Hope to see you there!

I love GameJolt, but the game I am working on now is not particular shocking nor near finished.

But GameJolt will be definitely one of my first point when the game is finished