since I can upload only 5 games this year. I have to choose wisely.
I started an “old Game”-InCeption series (a game in a game). But I think I should only upload one "in"ception game. Please help me to choose the best game. Thanks =)
So here are the nominees:
- PongCeption
A pong game in a pong game. I use the great Bit.Trip Beat layout.
To play click here or on the screenshot
- BreakCeption
A breakout game in a breakout game.
To play click here or on the screenshot
- TicCeption
A tictactoe game in a tictactoe game. At the moment a computer ai is missing. I will add it the next days but you can play against another human.
To play click here or on the screenshot
- Sn4keCeption
It is a snake game in a snake game. At the moment it isn’t ready but the gameplay will be. Eat like in other snake game some fruits and you will be longer. But every 4 new part you play the snake game in that part of the body at the same time. It is like a new level added with new obstacles. And if you collide with the great snake or in on part with the wall you will lose a life.