Game Programmer looking for Team

Hello, my name is Jake Gordon and I am a desktop game programmer, familiar in Java (more specifically the swing library). I am 14 years old and looking to join a development team interested in developing a desktop game.

Hold your horses Jake, did you say your 14? I have children older then you! Yes, I didn’t lie, I am 14 years old. I am, like I stated above, fluent in Java and the the swing library, and very interested in joining a team (also stated above). I work very hard, though humor is, after all, running through my blood.

In all seriousness, I am very interested in joining a team to create something truly special and unique. I have tried to develop a game with the “unique” and “special” characteristic before, however the lack of art and ideas made it come crashing to the ground in a very, very, very early state.

I am not specifically looking for an established team, but I would prefer someone closer to my age level because working with a bunch of 30 year old’s would just be…weird.

Adding on to my established team comment, I would be very interested in joining a team with the staff members currently enrolled and an envision in progress, but I also wouldn’t mind starting something new. I don’t specifically have any incredible or great leadership skills, so if “we” are making a team, we would probably need someone to manage all of our monkeys.

To make this all clear, this is what I am looking for:

  • An established team looking for a Java programmer OR
  • A team looking for members specifically a Java programmer
    • I am NOT a leader, we need someone to control all of our code monkeys
    • I am only a Java programmer, not an artist-musician-wizard
  • Notes:
    • I am also interested in a team with a pre-established game, though I would rather build a game from the bottom up with some great individuals

I hope you enjoyed my little short essay!

If you want to contact me, leave a comment below and I will send you further contact information OR email me at The preffered method is a comment below.


  • Jake

Also, I am new to this site, so I may have posted this in the wrong folder. Oops!