Game Movement Howto?

I am after an time again in game dev and I have an question about the movement of entities.

The game is orthogonal and with tiles.

I have implemented A* which searches an valid path to an mouse click. And i am operationg on nodes=tiles. Where I don´t knew if it´s very intelligent. So I have an path object.
I don´t knew how to move then.
Normal keyboard input is working.
I am just multiplying the with the velocity and add it to position.

1.) Movement from tile to tile
lets say i am only going from Tile to Tile. How should I do this if I don´t want that an step happens after one tick?

2.) pixel movement
When in my Path are only “the tiles to go” stored, how should i move pixelish?
Sure, I knew the tileSize.
But I don´t knew how I should go automatically.

The only idea I had was:
get the Node
calc it´s pixel value
set the velocity to the max speed
and then go to the next position
check if outside the node
begin again util list empty
if node.pixel != current.pos -> go util click.pos

But I have the feeling that there is something missing and that it´s not an very nice way todo so.
And how sould I go if one tile is partly solid?
Let´s say my spirte is 32x64 pixels and my tiles 32x32.
A* calulated an valid path, but if I go there my sprite will collide with an object, because it´s above the valid Tile.

I hope it´s understandable what I wrote…

Not sure I understood the question, BUT here is my approach:

I Decide where I want to go, workout the number of “updates” to get there (so totalDistance/velocity), then use a Timer based on that calculation, so
if(timer>timeToMoveFor) calculateNextDestination
else… carry on moving

Obviously you’ll have to fit delta timing into the timer. This should work if “in my Path are only “the tiles to go” stored”.

Also about:

All of that needs to be dealt with in the pathfinder, and is probably a headache. You’d need to send the pathfinder things like the Sprites width/height, so it can say: Ok this guy is 64 in height (2 tiles high lets say) so all tiles he can stand on MUST have an empty tile above it, or w/e.

[quote]All of that needs to be dealt with in the pathfinder, and is probably a headache. You’d need to send the pathfinder things like the Sprites width/height, so it can say: Ok this guy is 64 in height (2 tiles high lets say) so all tiles he can stand on MUST have an empty tile above it, or w/e.
I already was afraid that I have todo that like that…

let´s say on my tile can be objects, which are not visitable. How should I calculate this?
Because at the moment I only look at the tiles, if they are visitable or not.
how should I do it when an Tile is lets say to 50% visitable.
-Then I would need to check every tile for objects, but how should I store this in my Path?
Should I then store pixel values to go?