Game loop and capping fps

Hi, I currently have a game loop that has a fixed fps because the updates and the rendering are coupled together. I plan on separating the updates and rendering by changing the current loop into something like the following:

private void runGameLoop()
    long nextUpdate = System.nanoTime();

    while (isRunning)
        int skipped = 0;

        while (System.nanoTime() > nextUpdate && skipped++ < MAX_FRAME_SKIPS)
            nextUpdate += UPDATE_INTERVAL;

        float offset = (float)(UPDATE_INTERVAL - (nextUpdate - System.nanoTime())) / UPDATE_INTERVAL;

My problem with that method is it renders as many frames as possible. I want to be able to control the fps and cap it when I want to, so I’m thinking of changing it further to this:

private void runGameLoop()
    long nextStateUpdate = System.nanoTime();
    long nextFrameUpdate = System.nanoTime();

    while (isRunning)
        int skipped = 0;
        long currentTime = System.nanoTime();

        while (currentTime > nextStateUpdate && skipped++ < MAX_FRAME_SKIPS)
            nextStateUpdate += STATE_UPDATE_INTERVAL;

        currentTime = System.nanoTime();

        if (currentTime > nextFrameUpdate)
            float offset = (float)(frameUpdateInterval - (nextFrameUpdate - currentTime)) / frameUpdateInterval;
            nextFrameUpdate += frameUpdateInterval; // i'll be able to control the fps on the fly by changing frameUpdateInterval

I like that I’ll be able to control the fps, but the game would constantly be running the loop even when there’s nothing to do. Plus, I feel like I’m overlooking something. My main question is are there better ways to do this? Also, is there a better term for the float (offset) passed in updateDisplay?