Game is fast in eclipse yet slow on desktop

sigh What did I do now to deserve that picture? Please explain.

Well, you are being grumpy and narky. Have a lie down. Maybe some coffee will fix it.

Cas :slight_smile:

I’m being pissy because I woke up to someone calling me an idiot :point:

The best way to deal with someone calling you an idiot is to show them how incredibly clever you are by way of counterattack :-*

Cas :slight_smile:

vs Mark Twain

[quote]It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

@opiop65 I read the “idiot” comment as not meant seriously. At least I hope so, with his username and avatar! :persecutioncomplex:

I was building on your statement with my views with the help of a meme.

Oh sorry everyone, I was grumpy this morning! Agreed, being silent is the best way to deal with others when they are trying to offend you with petty insults! :slight_smile:

I like to blow raspberries at them.

Cas :slight_smile:

Thankyou for actually helping unlike a lot of people who posted on here. Im currently using the util timer whats the best method for getting stable dos no matter what the system is, fast or slow?

System.nanoTime() is the standard. You’ll have to code your own sleep() handling, but it’s really not hard, and is totally worth being familiar with. Check out the gameloop tutorial:
You can find more by using the search bar: “game loop”

Also another really good one is Gaffer on Games: Fix your Timestep!

Okay I had to think about that one, but I get it now. Very clever! Common sense is indeed not what you want, you want uncommon sense :slight_smile: