Game Engine for beginner and intermediate game programmers

About a year ago I wanted to create a game engine for myself where I wouldn’t have to constantly have to modify a current engine to fit a new game that I would design. My first attempt was fairly poor, drawing only polygons with the worst sprite collision detection imaginable. Then I upgraded the engine to draw images and have more accurate collision checking. Then I grew from there, further and further until my game engine Easy Clip2D was born.

Easy Clip2D is designed to help beginner and intermediate game programmers a way to get a better understanding for designing their own game engines. Easy Clip2D can create a very very simple game, up to a fairly complex 2D game as well. Easy Clip2D is now implemented with Box2D.

  • Polygon Collision Checking
    There are pre-defined collision algorithms that can be used for your games.

  • OpenAL(soon to come) and OGG sound support
    OGG sound files can be used. New updates will soon include OpenAL.

  • Implemented with Box2D Physics Engine

  • Serialization

  • GUI Menus and Buttons
    Clickable objects can be setup to create a dynamic GUI environment.

  • Camera Pan/Zoom (2D)
    The Graphics Panel is what is being talked about, it can be dragged, moved (Panning), and Scaled (Zoom).

  • Modified User Input
    Easy Clip has a few objects that will make user input easier to use. Combo moves can be created as well.

  • Source Code offered upon request

Due to the recent update on easy clip, and the website being hacked, easy clip is being recreated and a new website is being built. The website’s security has also increased, it’s not up and running yet but the status of the entire project is shown below.

Status of Easy Clip2D: 100% Complete

Status of website: Postponed

Status of Documentation: 99% Complete

Download for Game Engine will be here at our Website
The temporary website,

Couple thoughts:
-It is normal Java convention that packages are lowercase and method names start with lowercase letters
-It is nice that you included the Javadoc inside the zip download, but typically they are more suitable online
-I read through the PDF tutorial and you have quite a nice collision detection framework :slight_smile:

Good job! :smiley:

No, javadoc included I agree :slight_smile:

So there are some ready to use methods such as collision and rotation and we just choose one. Hope it can support OGG because WAV is so big. “Only supports full screen display” so no 800x600 window display?

That’s yay~ :slight_smile:

C-c-c-c-combo breaker!

You’re always drawing with a Graphics2D object, right? You can create a layer that gives you a Graphics2D object to draw with regardless of what you’re running it on. In an app with a BufferStrategy, just give it the Graphics2D object from it. In an applet or a JFrame without a BufferStrategy, give it the Graphics2D from your own double buffering.

It has been a while since my website was hacked. I didn’t fix the site because I decided to revamp the game engine. So to those few hundred who downloaded it please know that I am coming out with a newer, much better, engine.
I have implemented Box2D into the engine as well. This gives the new object Sprite2D. It’s easy to set up and you don’t need the libraries of Box2D, since EC already performs those tasks for you.

I plan on fixing the site soon when I am ready to release the newer version.

Also on a side note: I am not going to revamp the graphics side of easy clip because it’s really meant for beginner game programmers. There is also really no point in not utilizing an existing graphics library. Anyways. I hope people will try it out, it will also be going into open source when it releases.

If your website was hacked you should have fixed it right away!
Those people who visited it now most likely have a ton of viruses on their computer. Also you should remove the link from JGO for the safety of the community!

I think I have it covered and safe… So you don’t have to worry :expressionless:

For those who have either been waiting or have stumbled upon this thread, I thank you for your patients in my development of my game engine, Box2D has been implemented and you have the option of having the Box2D libraries or going through Easy Clip which contains the Box2D libraries. Of course my aim for this engine is for beginners and advanced users as well. I plan to have the engine out for people to use by the end of July.

We’re waiting patiently :slight_smile:

Don’t forget the demo too, which utilize all features :slight_smile:

That is a good idea. Maybe make a bunch of small sample games?

That’ll be good. And the source too. (Geez I’m starting to be irritating now ;D)

The main page of this Post has been updated. I am very close to finishing the documentation and some example programs to get an idea of how to use the engine.

Easy Clip is finished. The last step is getting it online. The website’s server has been acting strange lately. Hopefully the hosting service will fix the problem soon.

The first version of easy clip along with it’s manual will be released as version 2.0
There is one last major update to the engine I will be making in the future and that is
better sound support for music and sound effects using OpenAL. Right now since
the engine’s sound is still in development, a small OGG support library will be used.

I also have a bunch of simple example programs that can be downloaded with their
source code so you can get a good idea of how to use the engine.

You can host it on more reliable server, like github, sourceforge, or google page.

Since I haven’t had any time to construct an officall website for Easy Clip, I decided to post it on Google Sites.

here is the temporary website,

The documentation is not complete yet. The last bit that needs to be written is using the sound library.

Finished? It is never finished! :wink:

Library shouldn’t finish, but keep developing.

Yes. that is true 8)