Game Development with JOGL

Hey, new to the forums so hey! Loved the activation question with some source code :slight_smile:
I’m quite experienced with Java programming in general however OpenGL/DirectX programming is totally new to me. I’d like to be able to make a 2D game and apply particle effects, shading and fog etc. How would I approach this since there is not much in terms of tutorials/documentation suggesting how to implements 2D JOGL with games? Should I purchase a pure OpenGL book? From what I’ve seen most books don’t cover gaming aspects and cover a lot of 3D which I’m not interested in at this point in time.




Maybe you should look at the Red Book. has some nice tutorials too :slight_smile: Using OpenGL in a 2D game requires to understand how OpenGL works… in 3D. The API JGame is fine for building 2D games with JOGL. You can use Slick too with the libgdx backend.

There are definitely online versions of the OpenGL “bibles” essentially that will probably be of help to you. Before you get into complex applications, I would work on making a short 2D demo project that can draw a textured shape to the screen. There are basically two sets of tutorials that you’ll find on the net, ones that cover the deprecated “fixed function” pipeline, and those that cover the programmable shader pipeline.

Essentially, for the simplest of the simple 2D games, they are interchangeable. The more advanced things you want to do, the further into the programmable pipeline you’ll delve. Our game uses the fixed function system for drawing sprites, but we do use FBOs and GLSL shaders. Familiarize yourself with what the differences are, what you’ll need for YOUR application, and especially learn GLSL and what it’s doing, because it really helps you understand how a GPU actually works.

Hopefully I’m not too innaccurate here ^^