Fully utilising Multi cores/Multi cpus?


lg Clemens

I believe that restriction was relaxed some time ago. You can construct away and fiddle all you like until the components are actually realised on the screen.

Cas :slight_smile:

I found quite different results - it seems like they said some time ago that that its ok until you realize the component, but now the consensus seems to be to do everything on the EDT.

Its no problem after all, so what is the downside of doing it like recommended and beeing on the safe side?

lg Clemens

Thanks! didnt know about that. It seems to have done the trick.

Did you made any progress on this? Is spawning code in a new thread enough to have it executed on different cores?

yes and no… i am achieving about 175%-180% utilisation. however without removing a barrier wait. i have been focusing on other aspects of the engine lately.