Fullscreen Demos problem


I’m on mac os x 10.4.5 and i develop with eclipse and the last version of jogl.
Since three days i try to intialize a fullscreen application. I’m disappointed ! I’ve tried the jogl fullscreen demo (GearFullScreen). No problem in windowed mode but black screen in fullscreen. I’ve tried to use the “-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true” option (eclipse > run… >Arguments - VM arguments, i can’t use the terminal to start a jogl application), same thing.

Someone has an example for mac os x ?

Thanks !


Sorry I won’t help you because I can reproduce what you describe, I think it’s a bug maybe due to our graphic card.

powerbook G4 1,67 Mac os 10.4.5

GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
GL_RENDERER: ATI Radeon 9600 XT OpenGL Engine
GL_VERSION: 1.5 ATI-1.4.18

By the way, I’ve got another bug with the same demo, and other gljpanel demos too :

when running in windowed mode, do you manage to resize the window ?
here, when trying to resize it, I’ve got a spinning wheel.

Are these known bugs ?


It looks like there are a couple of problems. The GearsFullscreen demo doesn’t seem to be working properly on Mac OS X, at least not 10.4.5. I’ll look into this. Additionally, it looks like the latest nightly builds have problems with window resizes on OS X. JSR-231 beta 3 doesn’t seem to have this problem so I’d recommend you stick with that for now and we’ll look into these issues as well.

When i run the demo, all the display modes have 0 Hz. It is a problem for execution ?

These issues have been fixed in the currently-available nightly build so please download a new copy.

What OS and JDK (java -version) are you running?

I have tried the nightly build. It looks like that the problem is not solved. I have always the blank screen.
Config . :
Sys : 10.5.4
Java : Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-93)

If you want i can make test, no problem. Thanks !

You’re right, it looks like there are still problems with the GearsFullscreen demo on OS X 10.4.5, though it looks like it’s working on 10.3.x. I’ll look into this further.


I’m running OS x 10.4.5 too with java 1.4.2_09.232 (I can not force the users of my soft to have the latest os)

I’ve got the same problems with GearsFullscreen demo with the latest jogl build :

  • a black screen in fullscreen mode
  • a endless spinning wheel when trying to resize the window in windowed mode

For my soft I implemented my own resize method and the resize problem doesn’t appear.

Don’t know if it can help.



It looks like the problem is always here with the nightly build.

There appear to be problems at the OS level in 10.4.5 interfering with JOGL’s ability to go full-screen using the JDK’s APIs. I have talked with a colleague at Apple and he has filed a couple of bugs about the problem. I hope they will be resolved in a future update of JDK 1.5 on 10.4.5. With the current nightly build on 10.4.5, though, everything seems to be working for me aside from the GearsFullscreen demo – no resizing issues. Let me know if this is not the case on your machine, and if so what the exact machine specs are.

I can’t reproduce the problem with running the GearsFullscreen demo in windowed mode. I did see a crash on startup one time but can’t reproduce that any more. Resizing the resulting window works fine on my machine (dual G5 with GeForce 6800) – no hangs. If you can still see a hang resizing that demo please post your exact machine configuration. Thanks.