[fulfilled] Enabling flash video in post

enabling to embed flash video as image in post could be great, it may be usefull for visitor to imediatly show a sample of a demo (even on an old computer or if they have not enought time to test) and poster can sometimes better explain their meaning with a video.

somthing like that (as in a BB forum)=>


I like this suggestion. We’d probably need to tie it to past cost so that you need something like 50 posts before you can post video so that nobody will have to stumble onto porn or something.

I’m not sure of my/Markus’s capability to implement this, but whenever we have access to FTP side of JGO we’ll definitely be able to do it.

Sure there’s no custom tags area in the admin area? I know there are for PhpBB.

There is for SMF as well:

As a global moderator I don’t have that permission, or it doesn’t exist on JGO at all. :frowning:

hum… let’s try :slight_smile:



EDIT: not yet …

Maybe, as we are in a Java Forum, should also add the ability to enrich our posts with applets :slight_smile:

look here :

up :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:



cool you get my apreciation :slight_smile:

That’s pretty awesome. I love the retroactive doing.