New version, FreefallFour4k:
What’s new in FreefallFour: Added some visual effects (snow! yay!). Also changed loop to use oNyx’s system instead of wait(), which should hopefully improve the game. Runs a slight bit slower now, but it should not be a problem. I also adjusted speed a bit on purpose. Game size is still the same due to removal of unneccessary elements, meaning I have about 0,2k left, and that’s without SuperPackME, and little optimization. There’s plenty of room for improvements, so give me your thoughts
I’d like comments about the smoothness of this new version - does it run well? Also, suggestions for the game and comments on snow (speed, the way it looks, size, whatever you can think of) would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
What’s new in FreefallThree: Using the unsigned JAR for webstart, as this runs fine in sandbox mode. Changes in this version include slightly lower sensitivity and the addition of new clouds. The bigger clouds allow for better “liftoff”, while the smaller clouds are, well, bouncier - that is, when falling longer, try to hit smaller clouds. When not falling, hit the bigger clouds (they give you a better boost upwards). New version is about 3,8 kb unsigned, so there’s still room left. I’m afraid the game runs a little less smoothly now, as the painting’s heavier and my programming is, well, not good. I’ll look into that later, when I have the time.
I might add that the signed files are above 4k, whereas the JAR without the signature is not. The unsigned version is the one I’ll be submitting, providing the rules allow that. Furthermore, I don’t think it needs a signature, I’m just not sure what to do so that I can avoid it.
Original description:
Well… Bouncy game, nothing fancy, around 3.5 kb without particularly great code, so I’m sure I could add something to it - I just need some ideas, can’t really think of much
Comes in two versions - FreefallTwo4k (The newer one, and better according to me) - controlled by only one, quite sensitive control (Space), and Freefall4k, that uses arrow keys and is less sensitive. If I can’t think of anything else, I’ll just put both versions in one game. Perhaps. “N” restarts the game, in both versions.
The idea is to bounce as many of the clouds as you can - there are 30 clouds in FreefallTwo4k, and 50 clouds in the older version. That means that there’s a maximum score, but it’s hard to reach. I’ve done it once (I think - maybe it was 29). It’s hard enough to reach that it isn’t much of a problem, anyway
As I said, nothing fancy, just for fun. I do think however, that the gameplay is okay for such a simple game
Here goes:
FreefallThree4k, signed version (please use link above instead):