[FREE] Squared Equality - Android


Desktop link: http://www.filedropper.com/squaredequality

Squared Equality is a simple game with 1 objective, match every column to the levels corresponding target number. However, there is a slight catch. The target number is not revealed directly to the player. Can you figure out the target on each level and complete the game?

The target audience of this game is mainly children but it can be enjoyed by anyone who likes puzzle games. The levels are fairly easy (at the moment) but I wanted to create something that involved simple mathematics and thinking skills. There are currently 16 levels, consisting of 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 tiles.

Planned features:

More tile combinations
Settings screen
Redesign of the main menu
More levels :wink:
Different gamemodes? Such as matching columns and rows and maybe a time based version