[FREE] Squared Equality - Android


Desktop link: http://www.filedropper.com/squaredequality

Squared Equality is a simple game with 1 objective, match every column to the levels corresponding target number. However, there is a slight catch. The target number is not revealed directly to the player. Can you figure out the target on each level and complete the game?

The target audience of this game is mainly children but it can be enjoyed by anyone who likes puzzle games. The levels are fairly easy (at the moment) but I wanted to create something that involved simple mathematics and thinking skills. There are currently 16 levels, consisting of 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 tiles.

Planned features:

More tile combinations
Settings screen
Redesign of the main menu
More levels :wink:
Different gamemodes? Such as matching columns and rows and maybe a time based version

That’s a pretty game. I liked a lot the idea (I love the thinking kind of game) and can’t wait to give it a try :wink:

You said that are still working on the art, but I like how it is… simple and beauty ^^

Good job

suggestion: for the harder levels, try to combine lines too

Looks very nice so far, can’t wait to give it a try :slight_smile:

Thank you! :slight_smile: The more I work on the game the more I do like the art style. I don’t think it needs anything fancy, maybe just some more bevel/shadows etc.

I am actually thinking about making the users add the rows as well! :slight_smile:

[quote]Looks very nice so far, can’t wait to give it a try Smiley
Thank you! :slight_smile: I’ll be posting the Android link/desktop download here once I finish the game

Just a few changes I wanted to list here:

  • Splash screen now implemented
  • Music now fades in rather than full blast as soon as the game starts
  • Tiles fall in from the top of the screen (Just to give it some variety)

New video in original post :slight_smile:

Great game and nice concept :D.

Good Luck!

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi all, just a little request and update.

I’ve been working on making the game look more fancy recently and it’s slowly becoming playable. Right now i’m looking for some people who want to try out my game on Android as this will allow me to see how it handles on devices and if everything looks okay (graphics wise).

Just a few things to note:

The instructions screen will take you to a black screen in this build, so don’t click it! :stuck_out_tongue:
There are only 3 levels, you will crash if you try and access anymore
You can’t get back to the main menu once you click play (Working on UI atm)

Android build —> http://www.filedropper.com/squaredequality_2

Update: 21/05/2015

  • Fixed an aspect ratio bug
  • Particles are now centered - related to the aspect issue
  • Level complete text now centered at all times
  • Working on menu bar
  • Some new art! :slight_smile:
  • Updated the link above to have this new build

Hi all! I finally have a playable build (Desktop and Android) which you can find below, but first! I have a few details

  • The instructions menu is still not implemented so you will get stuck on the screen and need to exit the app if you click it
  • You have to complete a level to get back to the level screen at the moment
  • There are only 6 playable levels, if you try and play anymore than that then it will crash (Sorry!).

Quick reminder of the game rules: Simply try and make each column equal the target number on each level! Can you figure out what that number is?

Changes in this version:

  • Some new levels
  • Music muting (The song finally drove me insane)
  • New icons!

Please let me know what you think of anything. What you like and dislike and what you’d like to see added/removed.

One of the key problems i’m having right now is that I can only have a max of 5x5 grids due to screen space :persecutioncomplex: what do you guys think of a scrollpane that allows even bigger levels! Maybe stuff like 8x8?

Anywaaaay, i’m done rambling.

Desktop link: http://www.filedropper.com/squaredequalityindevbuild_1
Android link: http://www.filedropper.com/squaredequality_3

Looks great! What did you use to make these graphics? I too wish to have smooth sharp graphics like these.

Thank you! :slight_smile: the graphics were made in Photoshop CS5

Love it Sauron, level 7 had me stumped for a bit until I just used brute force and wrote down the possible combinations on a sticky note(Of a single column that is) and eliminated them one by one xD.

Not sure how others feel, but maybe a feature to turn all tiles off or on? Not so important in the current state, but might be handy if you do make 8 x 8 levels and beyond. I find myself wishing that the tiles had a thin opaque border around the edges to contrast the change in the tiles when they’re on/off. Your choice of music was nice. Catchy, not too in your face. Calming. I really don’t have a problem with the art, keep heading in that direction.

Mouse detection felt crisp, no issues there. I noticed on the intro screen that there’s a third button(At least that’s what I think it might be). I tried maximizing the window to see if that would bring it into view, but it just stretched what I already saw. Might just an issue with my current resolution(Scratch that, changed my resolution just now and started it up again, same thing). After switching my res, I tried clicking it and realized it was an exit button =P

Looking forward to your next build!
Oh, I should be specific, I was playing the desktop build.

Sorry, only just seen this! I appreciate the testing!

The 3rd button is actually on a scrollpane but I need to make it more obvious, right now it’s not really. I love the idea of turning all the tiles on/off and also the border around the outside. At the moment the project is on hold while I learn more about C#, Javascript and the Android SDK but I’ll hopefully get time this weekend to implement those features, create more levels and release the game on the Android store :slight_smile:

Thanks again! :point:

Added the fading of all tiles, on and off.
Music preference is now saved

Hi all!

I’ve now officially launched the app on the Google Play Store (what a nightmare that was) ;D the game currently has 16 levels but I’ll be adding more in the future.

I’m currently editing the original post to get it ready for the showcase board :point: i’ll get a desktop link up as soon as I can

Edit: Original post done 8)

Congrats Sauron! Looking forward to trying out your released game in the morning =D. Bed calls for now though.

Thank you! :slight_smile: I appreciate the views you gave on the project while I was developing it. You’ll find turning all the tiles on/off much easier now ;D

I’ve pushed a few updates out recently. Changes have been listed below :slight_smile:

  • Fixed a bug with not being able to access the last 4 levels
  • Changed some visual things
  • Changed level 9 around a little
  • Now supports Google mobile ads :smiley:

I want to push some more changes to the game soon such as a redesign of the main menu and a settings screen, as well as new levels. I have a lot going on at the moment with learning new languages/Android and also working on a new project :clue: hopefully I can start putting some more time in as I’ve been ill recently

I left a review on the Google Play Store page! Keeping this one in my “Games created with Java” folder. I treasure these greatly, no matter how horrible they are.

Thank you ;D I appreciate it.

I agree with the pixelation issue. It happens as I developed the game for 800x600 and only 1 set of assets. I’m actually learning the Android SDK at the moment (Loving it!) and I plan on creating some apps with different assets for different screen sizes. It’s a little harder to do inside LibGDX as I don’t believe it uses the res folder for different screens, so I have to use the ResolutionFileResolver with LibGDX, but it should stop the issue :). I hope the adverts weren’t annoying :persecutioncomplex:

EDIT: Just re-read my original post and totally forgot to include a desktop link alongside the Android version. Uploading now and then i’ll edit it :slight_smile:

Desktop link: http://www.filedropper.com/squaredequality