Me and a couple of friends have started a small Java-game project. We have come to the point where we really would need a Subversion repository online. I really don’t like CVS since it lacks many important features and prevents things like refactoring. Any suggestions where I can find a good, free online Subversion repository which doesn’t require that I publish everything under GPL?
I’m intruiged - how does CVS “prevent refactoring”?
JavaForge is free. They don’t require you to release under the GPL, but they do only host Open Source projects. So you could choose whichever OS license you prefer.
I guess the wording is wrong? CVS does not “prevent refactoring”, but refactored files
are not recognized as refactored but rather stored as new files in CVS. CVS does not
know about refactoring and is not aware that a refactored file might be the same as another
file, but just with the same name.
Refactroring is a nigthmare in CVS because you can never remove a directory once created.
That would make sense… is based on Collabnet stuff, right? They are the sponsors behind Subverion.
Sourceforge is working on subversion support and the subversion pages at already list some sites that offer subversion hosting.
You can use svn on Berlios as well. Also has the opensource license (does not have to be GPL) limitation though.
We’ve just changed over to SVN @ work - and it seems pretty good…
though the SVN Eclipse plugin needs some work doing to it,
it is still quite a way off being as clean and functional as the CVS plugin.