Free JOGL E-Book: Foundations of 3D Graphics Programming

just got a link to this free ebook:

Foundations of 3D Graphics Programming: Using JOGL and Java3D

Author(s): Jim X. Chen, Chunyang Chen
Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition
Date : 2008
Pages : 400
Format : PDF

(tipp: enable addblocker before clicking on the download link)

Sweet, thanks! I just downloaded it. This will be quite useful.

Where you can download it? I dont see any useful link…

You have to buy it.

So… it’s pirate?

I don’t get why people are getting worked up over a book covering the Java3D API… it’s abandoned, dead.

It’s not dead, it’s pining! :slight_smile:

Must be an attempt to perpetuate the myth of how Java is unsuitable for clientside graphical applications.

Cas :slight_smile:

Isn’t the sole reason LWJGL exists to disprove that myth? That anybody actually uses it is a coincidence we found out about years later.

No, it just existed so Elias & I could write some bloody games that ran ok!

Cas :slight_smile: