Free flying Quaternion camera questions [Kind of working, but in a bad way]

Ello! As the title indicates, I’m making a free flying camera in which the rotation component is defined by a quaternion. I’ve been wrestling with it for quite a while, making my own quaternion class and incorporating it into my camera class. I’ve run into some problems with trying to decipher C++ example code into Java code and understanding quaternions in general. Ergo, I have some questions before I dive into this never ending wrestling match with camera controls. - I’ve mostly based my Quaternion code on this guy’s tuts and the “3D math primer for graphics and game development” book.

Q: Using mouse deltaX and deltaY to rotate the camera, do I multiply or SLERP?

  • Q: If SLERP is the way to go, what’s the best way to do rotation, for example, about the y+ (or up relative to worldspace) axis? After a 180 deg rotation there isn’t much to rotate to.

Q: If multiplication is the way to go, how exacly? Dividing x, y and z up into different Quaternions and then multiplying?

Q: I want to rotate my camera’s pitch and yaw with mouse movement in the x and y direction. Yet I get some roll, which is quite annoying. How can I negate all roll? Or is there some way to convert my x&y movement into a quaternion with which I can multiply my camera rotation quaternion?

Q: LWJGL’s Quaternion class seems to be missing SLERP and multiplyVector methods, should I just extend it and use my own? Or use a quaternion class entirely of my own?

Q: When is normalising your quaternion appropriate?

Questions may seem obvious, but my head is quite the cluster-f**k after contemplating quaternions a lot. Yet, I’m not asking for anyone to provide ready-made code/pseudocode (unless you feel it’s the easiest way to explain), telling me to multiply a with b for example helps me enough.

[Edit:] Edited some questions to be shorter and more to the point

Q1 + Q2:
For a free-flying camera, you have only two components: a quaternion for orientation and a vec3 for position.

For looking around, you multiply the change in rotation with the current quaternion.
For position movement, you store the change in movement in a temporary vec3, multiply it by the inverse of the orientation quaternion, then add it in to the position vec3.

When rendering, the view matrix is built by converting the orientation quaternion to a matrix and translating by the position vec3.

Q3: Best to create your own. You can just copy mine.

Q4: Normalize your quaternion after every transformation.

Figuring this out took a shitton of thinking, visualizations, and drawing, so don’t feel too bad that you couldn’t easily figure it out. :slight_smile:

Here’s some code to get you started:

//in your update code
float speed = (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT) | Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT) ? 20 : 50) * deltaTime / (float)1e9;
float rotSpeed = 1.5f * speed;

int dy = Mouse.getDY();
if(dy != 0)
	orientation = Utils.angleAxisDeg(-dy * rotSpeed, new Vector3(1, 0, 0)).mult(orientation);

int dx = Mouse.getDX();
if(dx != 0)
	orientation = Utils.angleAxisDeg(dx * rotSpeed, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).mult(orientation);

	orientation = Utils.angleAxisDeg(rotSpeed, new Vector3(0, 0, 1)).mult(orientation);
	orientation = Utils.angleAxisDeg(-rotSpeed, new Vector3(0, 0, 1)).mult(orientation);


Quaternion inverse = orientation.copy().inverse();

Vector3 delta = new Vector3();

	delta.z(delta.z() + speed);

	delta.x(delta.x() + speed);

	delta.y(delta.y() + speed);


//in your render code
Matrix4 viewMatrix = orientation.toMatrix().translate(position);

public static Quaternion angleAxisDeg(float angle, Vector3 vec) {
	return new Quaternion((float)Math.toRadians(angle), vec);

Wow, this is great! Thanks a ton for taking the time to answer my questions so well! :smiley:

Now that I’ve found the time to integrate your solutions, and so graciously given code, into my code, I’ve run across some issues. First of all, I must say, the produced viewMatrix does its job well enough, no trippy deformations. (I managed those far too often) So, I seem to be doing something wrong >_<

Yet, when I move forward (or in any direction for that matter) there is a non-forward deviation. Looking straight has no effect, WASD translates like it should, yet when I look up and press W I move down instead of up, rotating 90 degrees has the effect of opposite movement (W = backwards), and rotating 180 degrees negates the effect again. Any idea what might be causing this? - I considered this solved when realising, thanks to you, that multiplying the delta position vector with a quaternion was the way to go. (I was mucking around with w&s & forward Vector from the viewmatrix) Well, bummer, I guess.
WHOA! Scratch that! Turns out that the orientation does not need to be inverted before multiplying the delta (change in position) vector. I guess it’s because the multiply vector by quaternion already does the qv-q, wait that might not make sense… But it works now!

Yet one thing remains. (might be able to solve this myself given enough shower-contemplating and in-bed-sleep-stalling-contemplation)
Second, how do I negate rotation about the z axis? Meaning, I don’t want roll, just yaw and pitch. Roll still happens when moving the mouse diagonally, an effect of using quaternions I guess.

Concerning the deleted portion: that’s the behavior when you multiply the delta by the original. The correct behavior is when you multiply the delta by the inverse, so you must be doing something wrong, post code :slight_smile:

Second part: simple, you have to think about what space is being multiplied by. Since you don’t want roll, you want horizontal movements to be fixed on the world’s X-axis, therefore you should multiply the current orientation with the Quaternion created using (0, 1, 0) as the rotation angle (for Mouse.getDX()) so it looks like this:

if(dx != 0)
    orientation.mult(Utils.angleAxisDeg(dx * rotSpeed, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)));

Here goes the code dump! Strangely enough, all my issues have been solved by partially doing the opposite of what you’re suggesting ??? I guess it might be caused by my chaotic shenanigans constantly adding functionality and trying to make the code work.

Here’s some of the code bits, first one is the rotate method in my QuaternionCamera class. Do note me using your suggestion on y (pitch) instead of x .

public void rotate(int dx, int dy) {
		// rotation speed is still constant, putting delta into it later
		// pitch
		if (dy != 0 || dx != 0) {
			//cameraRotation = Utils.angleAxisDeg(-dy * rotationSpeed, new Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)).mul(cameraRotation);
			cameraRotation = cameraRotation.mul(Utils.angleAxisDeg(-dy * rotationSpeed, new Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); // Doing the opposite, cause I'm a rebel.
		// yaw
		if (dx != 0) {
			cameraRotation = Utils.angleAxisDeg(dx * rotationSpeed, new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)).mul(cameraRotation); // And again, it never stops with this guy...
			//cameraRotation = cameraRotation.mul(Utils.angleAxisDeg(dx * rotationSpeed, new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)));

Below is my move method from the QuaternionCamera class.

public void move(Vector3f dir, float deltaTime) {
		// Still called inverse, despite not inverting. For reverting purposes of course.
		Quaternion inverse = cameraRotation.copy();
		// Position delta is put in here
		Vector3f delta = new Vector3f();
		// Move method in my camera class, takes a vector3f containing W & S in z, A & D in x, Lshift & Lctrl in y
		// Input processing is done in the InputManager class, deltaTime left out, will put in later.
		if(dir.z == 1) {
			delta.setZ(delta.getZ() + moveSpeed);
		} else if (dir.z == -1) {
		if(dir.y == 1) {
			delta.setY(delta.getY() + moveSpeed);
		} else if (dir.y == -1) {
		if(dir.x == 1) {
			delta.setX(delta.getX() + moveSpeed);
		} else if (dir.x == -1) {

        Vector3f.add(cameraPosition, inverse.mul(delta), cameraPosition);

Since my endless mucking around with my code the last months, the problem might be outside these methods, so I’ll post my QuaternionCamera, InputManager and Quaternion (your code) classes on pastebin. The Quaternion class was edited a bit to make it work with LWJGL’s Vector3f and Matrix4f classes, and prewritten code which uses “mul” instead of “mult” ( I blame lwjgl! :stuck_out_tongue: )

I believe I have figured it out. I forgot to tell you that the [icode]cameraPosition[/icode] should be negative the actual position.

In your [icode]setPosition[/icode] method, negate the Vector3f. Make sure you call [icode]setPosition[/icode] from the constructor. You can change the whole [icode]setPosition[/icode] method to [icode]this.cameraPosition = new Vector3f(v0).negate();[/icode]

Also in your [icode]getPosition[/icode] method, you’re not creating a new object of the [icode]cameraPosition[/icode] so it could be accidentally modified from outside. Make sure you do [icode]return new Vector3f(cameraPosition).negate();[/icode]

Now use the inverse quaternion again and test!

When fidgeting around with the viewMatrix, I had indeed noticed the position being the inverse of the world position, or at least the position I used for the modelMatrix. Stupidly, I let it fly because it was of no inconvenience… yet. Also since I had no idea what the implications were and how to deal with it.

I’ll adapt my code later today, gotta catch the bus to college. I plan on making a video of the result, detailing the functionality I have in the program as of now. ( To hand in for a free choice ects assignment, it’s not for a course, there isn’t even a Java course ) I’ll post it in this thread too, along with most of the code so future newbs like me won’t have to take months to figure it out. With your permission of course, since the Quaternion & some, if not most, of the camera code is yours.

I guess I shouldn’t cheer before editing the solution into my code… Got some typical problems, rotating still causes increasing roll when I pan my cam 90 deg to the side, 180 = no roll again. Plus pointing down makes the cam go up again when pressing forward, same effect on translation in other directions.

So here’s the code again :stuck_out_tongue:

package varelse;

import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f;
import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f;

//TODO Incorporate getting the time delta, or maybe do that in the inputManager.

public class QuaternionCamera {
	private Vector3f cameraPosition;
	public Quaternion cameraRotation;
	//private Vector3f maxRotation;
	//private Vector3f minRotation;
	private float moveSpeed;
	private float rotationSpeed;
	private Matrix4f camMatrix;
	QuaternionCamera () {
		setPosition(new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f));
		cameraRotation = new Quaternion();
		moveSpeed = 0.01f;
		rotationSpeed = 0.2f;
		camMatrix = new Matrix4f();
	// Feed this guy a position vector and a quaternion
	QuaternionCamera (Vector3f pos, Quaternion rot) {
		this.cameraRotation = new Quaternion();
		moveSpeed = 0.01f;
		rotationSpeed = 0.2f;
		camMatrix = new Matrix4f();
	private void updateCamMatrix() {		
		/* The Matrix is shaped like this:
		m00 m10 m20 m30		1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0		lx ux fx px
		m01 m11 m21 m31		0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0		ly uy fy py		// No animals were harmed during the testing of matrix order.
		m02 m12 m22 m32		0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0		lz uz fz pz		// My pride, however, was.
		m03 m13 m23 m33		0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0		lw uw fw pw
		// Getting the rotation from a Quaternion into a matrix
		 * 1 - 2y² - 2z²	2xy + 2wz		2xz - 2wy
		 * 2xy - 2wz		1 - 2x² - 2z²	2yz + 2wx
		 * 2xz + 2wy		2yz - 2wx		1 - 2x² - 2y²
		camMatrix = cameraRotation.toMatrix().translate(cameraPosition);
	public void rotate(int dx, int dy) {
		// rotation speed is still constant, putting delta into it later
		// pitch
		if (dy != 0) {
			cameraRotation = Utils.angleAxisDeg(-dy * rotationSpeed, new Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)).mul(cameraRotation);
			//cameraRotation = cameraRotation.mul(Utils.angleAxisDeg(-dy * rotationSpeed, new Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
		// yaw
		if (dx != 0) {
			//cameraRotation = Utils.angleAxisDeg(dx * rotationSpeed, new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)).mul(cameraRotation);
			cameraRotation = cameraRotation.mul(Utils.angleAxisDeg(dx * rotationSpeed, new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)));

	public void move(Vector3f dir, float deltaTime) {
		// Inverse quat
		Quaternion inverse = cameraRotation.copy().inverse();
		// Position delta is put in here
		Vector3f delta = new Vector3f();
		// Move method in my camera, takes a vector3f containing W & S in z, A & D in x, Lshift & Lctrl in y
		// Input processing is done in the InputManager class
		if(dir.z == 1) {
			delta.setZ(delta.getZ() + moveSpeed);
		} else if (dir.z == -1) {
		if(dir.y == -1) {
			delta.setY(delta.getY() + moveSpeed);
		} else if (dir.y == 1) {
		if(dir.x == 1) {
			delta.setX(delta.getX() + moveSpeed);
		} else if (dir.x == -1) {

		Vector3f.add(cameraPosition, inverse.mul(delta), cameraPosition);
	public Matrix4f getCameraMatrix() {
		Matrix4f matrix = new Matrix4f(camMatrix);
		return matrix;

	public void setRotation(Quaternion q) {
		this.cameraRotation = q;

	public void setPosition(Vector3f v0) {
		cameraPosition = (Vector3f) new Vector3f(v0).negate();

	public Quaternion getRotation() {
		Quaternion q = new Quaternion(cameraRotation);
		return q;

	public Vector3f getPosition() {
		return (Vector3f) new Vector3f(cameraPosition).negate();

	public void setMoveSpeed(float f) {
		moveSpeed = f;

	public void setRotationSpeed(float f) {
		rotationSpeed = f;

	public float getMoveSpeed() {
		float f = moveSpeed;
		return f;

	public float getRotationSpeed() {
		float f = rotationSpeed;
		return f;
	public void log() {
		System.out.println(camMatrix.m00 + " " + camMatrix.m10 + " " + camMatrix.m20 + " " + camMatrix.m30);
		System.out.println(camMatrix.m01 + " " + camMatrix.m11 + " " + camMatrix.m21 + " " + camMatrix.m31);
		System.out.println(camMatrix.m02 + " " + camMatrix.m12 + " " + camMatrix.m22 + " " + camMatrix.m32);
		System.out.println(camMatrix.m03 + " " + camMatrix.m13 + " " + camMatrix.m23 + " " + camMatrix.m33);

I don’t see anything wrong with this code at all, so I’m assuming the problem is in rendering/shaders.

Sorry for the late reaction, college kinda screwed me over with quite the workload. I hope you, or someone else is interested in looking into my renderer class and shaders. I’ve looked through it myself and can’t find anything out of place.

If someone knows a good book/link that details this kind of stuff, I’d love that too.

Renderer, evolved from the lwjgl opengl tutorials

package varelse;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.util.*;

import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.ContextAttribs;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL13;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.PixelFormat;
import org.lwjgl.util.glu.GLU;
import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f;
import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f;
import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector4f;

import de.matthiasmann.twl.utils.PNGDecoder;
import de.matthiasmann.twl.utils.PNGDecoder.Format;

public class Renderer {
	public final static String WINDOW_TITLE = "Varelse";
	private final int WIDTH = 1500;
	private final int HEIGHT = 800;
	private final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
	public int projectionMatrixLocation = 0; // OpenGL gives an integer to find objects at, this stores that
	public int viewMatrixLocation = 0;
	public int modelMatrixLocation = 0;
	private Matrix4f projectionMatrix = null;
	public Matrix4f viewMatrix = null;
	public Matrix4f modelMatrix = null;
	public Camera cameraModelling;
	public QuaternionCamera qCam;
	public Vector3f cameraPos = null;
	public Vector3f cameraAngle = null;
	private FloatBuffer matrix4fBuffer = null;
	private int vsId = 0;
	private int fsId = 0;
	public int pId = 0;
	public static ArrayList<Drawable> drawList;
	public Renderer() {
		drawList = new ArrayList<Drawable>();
		cameraModelling = new CameraModelling();
		qCam = new QuaternionCamera();
		Utils.renderer = this;
	private void setupRenderables() {
		drawList.add(new RenderCube(modelMatrixLocation, matrix4fBuffer, vsId, fsId, pId));
		drawList.add(new RenderSelectBox(modelMatrixLocation, matrix4fBuffer, pId));

	private void setupShaders() {
		int errorCheckValue = GL11.glGetError();
		// Load the vertex shader
		vsId = Renderer.loadShader("res/shaders/Vertex.glsl", GL20.GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
		// Load the fragment shader
		fsId = Renderer.loadShader("res/shaders/Fragment.glsl", GL20.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
		// Create a new shader program that links both shaders
		pId = GL20.glCreateProgram();
		GL20.glAttachShader(pId, vsId);
		GL20.glAttachShader(pId, fsId);

		// Position information will be attribute 0
		GL20.glBindAttribLocation(pId, 0, "in_Position");
		// Color information will be attribute 1
		GL20.glBindAttribLocation(pId, 1, "in_Color");
		// Texture information will be attribute 2
		GL20.glBindAttribLocation(pId, 2, "in_TextureCoord");
		// Get the matrices uniform locations
		projectionMatrixLocation = GL20.glGetUniformLocation(pId, "projectionMatrix");
		viewMatrixLocation = GL20.glGetUniformLocation(pId, "viewMatrix");
		modelMatrixLocation = GL20.glGetUniformLocation(pId, "modelMatrix");
		errorCheckValue = GL11.glGetError();
		if (errorCheckValue != GL11.GL_NO_ERROR) {
			System.out.println("ERROR - Could not create the shaders:" + GLU.gluErrorString(errorCheckValue));

	private void setupMatrices() {
		// Setup projection Matrix
		projectionMatrix = new Matrix4f();
		float fieldOfView = 60f;
		float aspectRatio = (float)WIDTH / (float) HEIGHT;
		float near_plane = 0.01f;
		float far_plane = 100f;
		float y_scale = this.coTangent(this.degreesToRadians(fieldOfView / 2f));
		float x_scale = y_scale / aspectRatio;
		float frustum_length = far_plane - near_plane;
		projectionMatrix.m00 = x_scale;
		projectionMatrix.m11 = y_scale;
		projectionMatrix.m22 = -((far_plane + near_plane) / frustum_length);
		projectionMatrix.m23 = -1;
		projectionMatrix.m32 = -((2 * near_plane * far_plane) / frustum_length);
		viewMatrix = qCam.getCameraMatrix();
		// Create a FloatBuffer with the proper size to store our matrices later
		matrix4fBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16);
		Main.exitOnGLError("Error in setupMatrices");

	public void setupOpenGL() {
		// Setup an OpenGL context with API version 3.2
		try {
			PixelFormat pixelFormat = new PixelFormat();
			ContextAttribs contextAtrributes = new ContextAttribs(3, 2)
			Display.setDisplayMode(new DisplayMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT));
			Display.create(pixelFormat, contextAtrributes);
			GL11.glViewport(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
		} catch (LWJGLException e) {
		// Enable face culling
		// Enable depth testing (for gluUnProject
		// Setup an XNA like background color
		GL11.glClearColor(0.4f, 0.6f, 0.9f, 0f);
		//GL11.glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0f);
		// Map the internal OpenGL coordinate system to the entire screen
		GL11.glViewport(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
		Main.exitOnGLError("Error in setupOpenGL");
	public void matrixLogic() {
		viewMatrix = qCam.getCameraMatrix();
		// Upload matrices to the uniform variables; 
		GL20.glUniformMatrix4(projectionMatrixLocation, false, matrix4fBuffer);; 
		GL20.glUniformMatrix4(viewMatrixLocation, false, matrix4fBuffer);
		Main.exitOnGLError("Error in matrixLogic");

	public void render() {
		for (Drawable d : drawList) {
	public long addRenderable(Drawable d) {
		long index = drawList.indexOf(d);
		return index;
	public void removeRenderable(long i) {
	public static int loadPNGTexture(String filename, int textureUnit) {
		ByteBuffer buf = null;
		int tWidth = 0;
		int tHeight = 0;
		try {
			// Open the PNG file as an InputStream
			InputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename);
			// Link the PNG decoder to this stream
			PNGDecoder decoder = new PNGDecoder(in);
			// Get the width and height of the texture
			tWidth = decoder.getWidth();
			tHeight = decoder.getHeight();
			// Decode the PNG file in a ByteBuffer
			buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(
					4 * decoder.getWidth() * decoder.getHeight());
			decoder.decode(buf, decoder.getWidth() * 4, Format.RGBA);
		} catch (IOException e) {
		// Create a new texture object in memory and bind it
		int texId = GL11.glGenTextures();
		GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
		// All RGB bytes are aligned to each other and each component is 1 byte
		GL11.glPixelStorei(GL11.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
		// Upload the texture data and generate mip maps (for scaling)
		GL11.glTexImage2D(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL11.GL_RGB, tWidth, tHeight, 0, 
		// Setup the ST coordinate system
		// Setup what to do when the texture has to be scaled
		return texId;
	public static int loadShader(String filename, int type) {
		StringBuilder shaderSource = new StringBuilder();
		int shaderID = 0;
		try {
			BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
			String line;
			while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			System.err.println("Could not read file.");
		shaderID = GL20.glCreateShader(type);
		GL20.glShaderSource(shaderID, shaderSource);

		// GL20.glGetShader was deprecated, was told to use GL20.glGetShaderi. Still takes the same params though...
		if (GL20.glGetShaderi(shaderID, GL20.GL_COMPILE_STATUS) == GL11.GL_FALSE) {
			System.err.println("Could not compile shader.");
		return shaderID;
	private float coTangent(float angle) {
		return (float)(1f / Math.tan(angle));
	private float degreesToRadians(float degrees) {
		return degrees * (float)(PI / 180d);
	public void destroy() {
		// TODO call destroy on RenderObjects and destroy ?matrices? and openGL
		for (Drawable d: drawList){
		// Delete the shaders
		GL20.glDetachShader(pId, vsId);
		GL20.glDetachShader(pId, fsId);
	public void exitOnGLError(String errorMessage) {
		int errorValue = GL11.glGetError();
		if (errorValue != GL11.GL_NO_ERROR) {
			String errorString = GLU.gluErrorString(errorValue);
			System.err.println("FUCK, SORRY MAN! Didn't mean to do this D: Here's an error to give to the dev - " + errorMessage + ": " + errorString);
			if (Display.isCreated()) Display.destroy();

	public Matrix4f getModelMatrix() {
		return modelMatrix;

	public void setModelMatrix(Matrix4f modelMatrix) {
		this.modelMatrix = modelMatrix;

Vertex shader

# version 150 core

uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;

in vec4 in_Position;
in vec4 in_Color;
in vec2 in_TextureCoord;

out vec4 pass_Color;
out vec2 pass_TextureCoord;

void main(void) {
	gl_Position = in_Position;
	// Override gl_Position with our new calculated position
	gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * in_Position;
	pass_Color = in_Color;
	pass_TextureCoord = in_TextureCoord;

Fragment shader

#version 150 core

uniform sampler2D texture_diffuse;

in vec4 pass_Color;
in vec2 pass_TextureCoord;

out vec4 out_Color;

void main(void) {
	out_Color = pass_Color;
	// Override out_Color with the texture pixel (AAAAH, so that's why!)
	out_Color = texture2D(texture_diffuse, pass_TextureCoord);

I don’t see anything wrong really. Can you post all your code to ? I want to run this locally.

Will dump as soon as I’m home. Is a .rar of my eclipse workspace via DropBox good too? In case of no reaction, pastebin is the way to go.

Et voila, the code. I archived my eclipse project folder and ripped out the settings and old unused codethings.
Do note, this in in working order, doing that opposite thing. See comments in the quaternioncamera class.

I seem to be missing two shaders: “src\newOpengl\texMatVertex.glsl” and the Fragment version.

Those are the same as res/shaders/Fragment.glsl and Vertex.glsl. Sorry for the confusion :-X