[Free] Entanglement

Hello there!

I want to share with you my freshly released Android game, Entanglement.

Entanglement is a fast-paced, minimalist style game in which you control two particles at the same time. You tap one half of the screen to move the corresponding particle and avoid the falling blocks! It can get very challenging and is a test of your reflexes!

Get it now on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=blue.rtrngames.entanglement

Best regards,

Looks like a fun challenge! Congratulations!

I just wonder about the title. When I first saw the post (title of post only, before calling it up), I was thinking this was the Gopherwood Studios game of the same name.

Are there ways you get “tangled up” while playing?

I always wonder about that sort of thing, having duplicate names. With so many games being made, it seems kind of inevitable that it will happen.

Hey there! Thanks! :slight_smile:

The idea for the name came from Quantum entanglement because in this game, if one particle “dies”, the other one “dies” too. They are not independent from each other. I didn’t know of any other games using that name until very late in development, so I just decided to stick with it because it was so fitting.