Hello all,
I am making an isometric game to familiarize myself with OpenGL, Java, and data structures. My game is using the FPSAnimator class, and I am drawing some tiles on the screen. When I set the FPS to 50 or below, the program uses between 3 and 10 percent of my CPU power, when I set it to 60 or above it takes 100% CPU. If I set the FPS higher than 60, 80 or 100 for example, the FPS is still 60 (checking in display method). I thought it might be something I did somewhere else in my program, so I tried it with the netbeans opengl pack demos and it does the same thing. Is this a common issue, or could it be my computer somehow? It is not really a problem, it just kinda bugs me because I don’t know why it’s doing this. ???