fps with multiple canvas

Hi All,

I have a single Animator being used for many different canvas (more than one on screen at once). Currently I measure the fps of each Canvas but I’d like to measure the application fps. So I need a simple way to measure the iteration counts of the Animator class…

I’d prefer not to recode the Animator but the only other way I can think to do this is with a single pixel Canvas thats always attached to the Animator. I could add the frame counter there…?

Any other suggestions?



You could identically just choose one of your GLCanvases and do all of the time measurement in that one. Note you’ll need to keep your timer running after you exit GLEventListener.display() and stop it when you re-enter the same point of that method.

Doh! good point.

Thanks again for the help Ken, don’t they give you easter holidays there :wink:
