FPS Engine

Hi! :slight_smile:
About a month or so ago I started working on another 3d java game-engine. I wanted to release it here to see how it works on your guys computers!

At the moment it’s a pretty simple fps engine, and as such you cannot do much in the demo.


Here’s some screenshots:

~ or F12 Console
E throw crate
Q throw barrel (first one is slow [loads model/tex])
1 gun animation
WSAD move
T put a test decal on the scene.

Console variables:
Please note that any variable with r_ or post_ requires that you type the command “r_update” to load it. However, use r_update sparingly; it has a memory leak.

Console commands:
quit quits game
r_update updates rendering engine. This also clears all lights from the scene!
testlight spawns a point light at the camera
testsun spawns a directional light in the scene
clear clears console
memstat prints RAM info
gpustat prints GPU info
noclip allows you to fly
clearlights clears all active lights in the scene
map loads a map at the specified location. ROOT is ./maps/
respawn If you fall off the map :slight_smile:

Adam Pasek: Art
Roland La Goy: Sound
TheAgentD: Lighting engine

OpenGL 3.2
Java 8

1000 points if you know where the van model is from!