Found out Yesterday that javasound doesn't work in linux

Until openjdk sorted it out. Regardless, i’d like things to just work. Any javasound plugin for openal on a native library like that?

So i was trying to use tritonus to add ALSA support for the great silent majority that can’t use my app.

What does happen when i try to use a AlsaDataLineMixerProvider directly?
This does:

Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.tritonus.lowlevel.alsa.Alsa
at org.tritonus.sampled.mixer.alsa.AlsaDataLineMixerProvider.(

For fucks sake the classpath is fine, the class is inside tritonus_alsa.jar, can’t be the native libraries otherwise it would UnsatisfiedLink whatever.

What the fuck is this?