FlyingGuns/JPilot/HeadQuarter/JXInput OpenSource!

Hi friends!

I finally managed to create a SourceForge project featuring my stuff:

The initial CVS checkin is done.

Hope someones drops by and can help a bit? There’s really a lot to do…

Experts are needed for

]game coding
]web design

(BTW, I chose SourceForge in favor of mainly for the reason that the main focus is not Java itself but distributed realtime simulation.)

hey, that’s great news! :smiley:

That’s really great! Thanks Herkules.
I will have a look at it over the weekend.

Added first file download of FlyingGuns.

Quite interesting to manage such a SF project…

There currently are issues with public CVS access. Don’t get fooled by

CVS Repository ( 0 commits, 0 adds )

There actually ARE a lot of thing checked in and developers also can get latest stuff. Just not the public…

The public web-based CVS view only shows the initial checkin, which in parts is not correct.

Hope that gets fixed soon.

With the public sourceforge cvs, one gets your initial cvs import.
I had a quick glance at it over the weekend. Especially at headquarter. Nice work. Some concepts are pretty similar to the game object replication library I wrote at my time at massive development. It was based on UDP, but had a similar property handling. But you have a nice, more generalized approach. I will do some experimentation. The code could surely use some comments at the class level, explaining what each class does. I had a hard time getting an overview at first.

The library I mentioned unfortunally got scrapped before the final release. Despite working well, it was deemed as ‘too complicated’. With the bosses, I had the reputation of writing bloated and complicated code because I used templates in C++ and even had heretic ideas of using STL containers instead of plain arrays, like a game coder should do :-X

Interesting … so you could do a CVS checkout? Or just the web view?

All I get is

cvs server: failed to create lock directory for/cvsroot/drts’ (/cvsroot/drts/#cvs.lock): Permission denied
cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository /cvsroot/drts' cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up

Yes, documentation is one of the tasks…
And samples. I have a lot of things in mind one could do with it. A networked molecule viewer, a chat system, some games … so much work.

With HQ, there are still some open ends to fix on the conceptual level. But for I’m currently alone, it still might take a while.

[quote]Interesting … so you could do a CVS checkout? Or just the web view?
I could do an pserver cvs checkout on friday evening. After getting EOF from the server serveral times, of course, but that’s the usual sourceforge problem. ATM I am behind a firewall, so I can’t try.

BTW, the public sf cvs servers are always 24 hours behind.
I heard if you if you use the subdomain cvs, eg:
cvs -d
it works more you have no lag and it works without EOF errors.
I have not tried, though.