First small Java Game

so I just registered and thought I’d share what I have been working on for the past weeks.
I started coding about 1.5 years ago, so I’m still learning a lot.
I used Java2d and wanted to make a small action-adventure with a viking, but with some tools to actually build the levels.
Here it is, please let me know what you think:

Btw, the transitions between the rooms are fluid on my pc and macbook, I guess my crappy recording-software doesn’t like fast movement.

I see nothing but an empty green screen.

That’s strange, for me it works. Maybe there’s a problem because I just uploaded the video…?

looks ok for me.

The video works for me. That’s some really impressive work for only 1.5 years! Great job and keep it up! ;D

hmm, that mode where you only show the boxes is actually a neat idea; I tend to just render them around the sprite/bob in a debug fashion to know if my calculations aren’t screwing up, but to have it as an actual feature is not a bad idea at all.

Great job indeed.

It looks great! I think that you just need to prettify the levels. They have great graphics, but it is kind of hard to see what is going on and what-not.

Right now I’m working on the editor-part, but later on, my plan
is to make “real” Levels with Textures and not just looped grass etc.
There’s also an option to save the level to an xml-File, which can then
be loaded, so in theory levels could be exchangeable.

That adds a LOT of lasting appeal! :slight_smile:

It looks really nice. Congratulations, you have done a good job there.

Awesome indeed! Everytime I try to start with a serious project I end up redoing the whole thing or I abandon it completely… stupid perfectionism :confused:

Hope to see more soon :slight_smile: