First port of HelloGPU_GLSL (C++) to Java

Hey guys, manage to port HelloGPU, GLSL version to Java and the porting is pretty straight forward.

Will be posting more of my work latter with and build scripts etc and support for linux 32 and linux AMD 64 platform. By the way I am using JSR231 version.

Hong Cheng

I tried running the code but I only get a white canvas/screen.

I’m trying it with the latest JOGL release( JSR-231 beta 01 - October 27) on

  • Windows XP SP2 with
  • ATI Radeon 9800 with fresh drivers

Other JOGL programs are running fine.

Any help is greatly aprreciated. Does anybody have similar problems?

Thanks! ttest

Well…nevermind…it works now.

I forgot to set the Width and Height variables to 512.


I was curious if you have ever tried to do a speed comparison between a C++ implementation of GPGPU and a java implementation?


That’s great. Would you mind if we check this in to the jogl-demos workspace? Could you provide your @author attribution (perhaps including email address)?

Looking forward to it. This code should work on all platforms, right?