Hey, I’ve been working on a game for my computer science class and I’d like any input you guys have on it. It’s sort of a Sonic The Hedgehog-esqe game, and I’d like to share it here. I named it ‘Java Quest’ after the language I programmed it in. First, some background:
- The teacher of my computer science class is named ‘Steve Shannon’ and I choose one of my friends in that class to be the main character, ‘Nick Wood’. The author of the text-book, Exposure Java, is named ‘Leon Schram’. Basically I was bored in Algebra 2 and I started writing a story line. It mostly consisted of Nick falling asleep while coding a lab assignment, but he still coded in his sleep. This code compiled to a portal into an alternate universe inside the computer. You later find out that he only activated a virius planted by Schram in his computer. Also, there is a slight inside joke in story line. ‘Schram should Scram’ is a little rhyme Nick yelled out during a test Everything is original, down to the last sprite animation. (Except the music, which I got from http://www.flashkit.com/)
My entire class loved it, hope you enjoy it as well.
And with out further ado, my 3 weeks of hard work:
Download Link:
All source code is included if you’re curious. I’ve built it with the JDK 1.4_07. To run the game, run the included ‘run.bat’ file.
(I know the sprite graphics aren’t that good-looking, but I’m not in a Graphics Design class… I think the awesome particle system makes up for it though
Legal Garbage: Java is a registred trademark of Sun … blah blah …
Known Bugs: If you hit a tile just right you will go straight though it. I’ve not a clue how this happens, but it does.