Is it possible to find out a gpu’s memory status in jogl?
I think the answer is no, not just for jogl, but OpenGL. You can find whether a given texture could load, using GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D for target & NULL for the texels of a glTexImage2D call. Perhaps you could write a routine that does this in a loop, increasing the size until it no longer fits. The result would be the largest single texture that could ever fit on this gpu. See red book, pg. 380.
If you just want the largest texture size possible, then just use glGet() with GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE.
I guess I could use com.sun.opengl.util.texture.Texture.getEstimatedMemorySize(); with GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE to calculate the space used… but what about vertex buffers and display lists?
com.sun.* classes are VM dependant and subject to change/removal between vm versions. Using them means your code will probably break on different vms/platforms.
Rather use glGet :
IntBuffer buffer=BufferUtil.newIntBuffer(1);
Nevertheless, it gives you only the maximum count of vertices that should be drawn with a drawArrays() call (or any methods doing the same thing). If there aren’t enough memory, a GLException is thrown when you create a VBO or a display list. Nevertheless, it depends on the implementation. Sometimes, an error is generated and the program crashes.
Regarding the opengl-classes Ken recently disagreed:
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is just of the maximum size of a dimension of a texture. I can envision that the above giving a low #, because what if a 4 component, of 32 bit float, texture of GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE size is less than the maximum amount? If GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE was 2048, this texture would be:
2048 * 2048 * 4 * 4 = 67mb.
I have to also withdraw my suggestion. There is no way to know how GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE relates to the amount of memory in any given graphics card.
Unless, maybe need to use 3 dimensional textures.
And you are correct, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE actually has little to nothing to do with the amount of memory. A Geforce 8100 with 32MB or ram all the way up to a Geforce 8800 with 768MB of ram will both report 4096 because that’s the biggest texture their texture units can address.