"Find Usages" tool

I am looking for a way to analyse the usage of an API from a codebase to enable me to generate an alternative implementation that only contains the really needed methods. Any experience with tools capable of doing that or other ideas how to achieve that goal?

For now I am considering doxygen and it’s xml-output to gather the information, but I don’t know yet if it is up to the task. Maybe there are already tools out there fulfilling exactly this purpose and I just lack the right keywords for the google search box :wink:

Any up to date IDE can do that - e.g. eclipse. IDEA has an even better dependency analysis…

I need a list of all methods in a specific API used from my codebase that I can feed into a source generator. I doubt this is possible with the find usages functionality of an IDE, at least not without writing a plugin… am I wrong?

Eclipse doesn’t let you do that. You can definitely select very robust options for what gets pumped out, but you can’t actually choose method by method what you want to keep. But if you only want to export public methods, for example, then Eclipse is good enough.