Running 850 mhz computer with a Ti-4200 64mb (Win 98) I got 60-100 fps (except 45 fps while plants were growing) for BOTH Internet Explorer and Firefox.
No stutters, pauses, etc and everything appears on screen with perfect quality.
Nothing groundbreaking in gameplay but it’s not a bad game either. I would’ve liked to play through some more levels but I can’t right now. Later levels (got to 5) aren’t too difficult but it still quite possible to die.
Over looks surprisingly high-polygon (bees, terrain, stems are well formed). Also I love the grow effect, very natural, and the particles come off smoothly whenever you collect a flower. Nice, simple, well-put together game.
Well, the activity is 3 days old… I can’t speak right now about ads financing… but one thing is sure : I want to give it a try for a few months (I’ll add new titles soon to javapause, and try and drive some traffic) and see how it does. So no desktop version until then… (unless I swicth to an extended shareware version, but it’s not how I see it right now)
Any other MAC OS testing ? (I’ve tried again with 10.4.3 and 10.3.9 : works fine here, I’ll upgrade to 10.4.4 to see if I also encounter problems)
Looks like a sweet retro inspired game, but unfortunately for me it suffers badly from the same problem as DzzD (Radeon 7500 Java1.5 WinXp 1.8GHz) same for Firefox and IE. For me it stoped longer time than it was actually running And I only got the little critter to jump as hight as the leaves once. Most of the time it just stopped (abruptly) before the head even reached the leaves and fell down again. Displayed fps ~230 on both Firefox and IE, think that discounts the frequent freezes. Will have a look at it with my nVidia based rig if I get time.
This is my work machine. It runs around 45FPS. The animation and gameplay are smooth. Nice idea.
I had an exception when I tried to close the browser.
Java Plug-in 1.5.0_05
Using JRE version 1.5.0_05 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Destroyed - End of Jack Flowers Unable to delete OpenGL context
at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLContextImpl.destroy(
at java.awt.Container.removeNotify(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.removeNotify(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.removeNotify(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.remove(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.remove(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source) Unable to delete OpenGL context
at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLContextImpl.destroy(
at java.awt.Container.removeNotify(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.removeNotify(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.removeNotify(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.remove(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.remove(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at jackflowers.SoundManager$
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at Source)
c_lilian if you want I can give you by PM the email of someone I know who made 3d applets like you for some months using open-gl binding (I am not sure he is using jogl maybe lwgl I cant remenber) so he may help you for understand and fix some bugs as the ATI bug (ps: he is also french).
I get a very dark screen where you barely can make out some text saying Play, (Click here to start) etc. And a picture of the bug.
During loading everything shows fine, but when it’s done loading the screen (applet area) goes very dark. Clicking on play doesn’t do anything, game isn’t responding.
fps says 113.
Acer laptop - centrino 1.7 Ghz, 2Gb ram, Intel integrated graphics latest number (9xxx something). Using explorer.
Well… I use the standard “fade out” effect as suggested in the Xith docs (interposing an alpha blended foreground, and removing it at the end of the effect). I don’t know why this happens… I might try another effect to avoid this massive blending… may be a top-down view with a camera move… I’ll keep you posted on that subject (new version coming soon).
Bizarre as it sounds, I tried it on my much faster computer and it ran… slower.
This computer is 2 ghz with a 6600 gt, and it could only manage about 15 frames per second. Interestingly enough, I get the exact same framerate running 640 by 480 as 1024 by 768 with Anti-Aliasing. ANY idea what’s going on there?
Btw, OS is Windows XP, vs Windows 98 on my older comp, but I don’t think that should hurt anything. It might also be worth noting I’m running it in firefox (but I’m doing that on both machines). Unfortunately, I can’t actually test it in Internet Explorer because ever since I upgraded to Service Pack 2, it automatically closes IE as soon as it accesses the internet. Go figure.
Still flickers here. The effect is like there is no dubbel buffering and that u clear with white, I ofcourse understand that not is the case just trying to describe it
Pretty good shot for being in the dark! That did it. Nice and smooth game and 1024x768 w best quality ran at ~130fps. Would suggest adding that to the applet tag then (possible right?). Much more fun to play now