
I emailed the admins on the jme site, but got no response. Anyone round here using jME care to help fill in the blanks on this page?

(graphics / scenegraph features only)

and this one:
(generic game-engine features not covered under graphics, physics, etc)

Otherwise it’s just going to carry on looking crummy by comparison; I’m not biased, but I’ve never written anything serious in jME and have no idea what it does and doesn’t do. I’ve tried (repeatedly) to get input from the authors, but I can only do so much. Others, such as LWJGL and JOGL, the authors have been forthcoming, or - like Xith - I’ve used them extensively enough that I can fill in some of the blanks myself.

Also…I need a list of any additional features that aren’t on the list but should be :wink:

Unfortunately email to my jmonkeyengine.com account has been bouncing lately. I would suspect Mark’s has as well as he is usually very prompt in such responses. I’ll talk to him tomorrow and see what we can do to help.

http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=64 is an exhaustive list of features. Feel free to make use of it.

Quick look down the list of features:

In-built animation system
LOD culling (2 types)
OpenGL renderer (of course…)
Pixel shaders
Vertex shaders
Programmable render pipeline (I assume you mean GLSL)

Partially Supported:
Java 3D Scenegraph (debatable I guess)
Pluggable OpenGL bindings (framework is there, lwjgl is de facto with jogl on the way)

Portal culling (we have user implemented stuff in the works, official to come soon.)
Real-time shadows
Self-shadowing shadow-volumes

Not Supported:
DirectX renderer

Hope that helps. There are other features to speak of… for example, imposters… all of which can be easily seen on our site: http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=64 (Which would have been a good place to look for that feature list… too obvious though? ::slight_smile: hehe…)

hehe, whoops, did the work already… :stuck_out_tongue:

not forgetting all those lovely jmex plugins!

jme-physics, 3rd person camera system (per made this one). Md5 importer with joint controllers, blender exporter…


[quote]not forgetting all those lovely jmex plugins!

jme-physics, 3rd person camera system (per made this one). Md5 importer with joint controllers, blender exporter…
Yup, those plus the gamestate system would be game-engine features I guess.