
Hi, this will be my third and last entry. Probably the most annoying and unplayable game this year :P. I was unable to get any decent sound of heartbeat so I tried to make for it with visual effects.
There is a small chance that you will spawn in wall, in that case press R for restart.

Latest version is here.


Fine game, is there a goal? The only “special” thing I found was some kind of stone that made me shoot/walk faster.


Thanks, the goal is to survive as long as possible. The end screen is missing stats such as play time and killcount. The code is not well written, so there is not much space left for more powerups or monsters :-.

Quite impressive on a technical level, and also good looking. However, this is another surviving game without a real sense of achievement. Indicating the survival time at the end of each game session would be a very nice addition.

I survived for 2 minutes and 9 seconds.
I killed 242 demons.

Great special effect. However I think my eyes are broken now as the whole room is throbbing.

With your ending statistics, now I feel a real sense of achievement while playing your game. Thanks !