Me and my friend are trying to implement a HDR file viewer. For this we are using Java and JOGL ofc
But this is the first time we’re working with OpenGL but we’re always running into trubble
Most of the problems we can solve but now we’re trying to use a Frame buffer object to store our textures.
What we’re trying to achive is a retinex implementation in OpenGL/glsl so we need to have the mip mapped version of the HDR picture
to be able to perform this operation.
We saw that we can use the GL_EXT_framebuffer_object extension but after that we’re lost. Please help us! (deadline in mind)
[EDIT] Used the powerfull, and yet so under used, search engine and found this http://www.java-gaming.org/forums/index.php?topic=13551.0
Going to try this and will pop back here if we have any questions [/EDIT]