Falling Stars: War of Empires - Now on Steam!

Falling Stars: War of Empires is now on Steam!

Built completely in Java with JMonkey Engine, I’ve been developing this game for almost 4 years. It’s a fast-paced but deep turn-based strategy game that includes online play. Check out some of the features below!

Falling Stars: War of Empires is a fast-paced 4x turn based strategy game where each decision you make forces the game to evolve differently every time you play. Command hundreds of ships in battle, resolve intricate political agendas, and discover the deep interplanetary relations of the galaxy. With customization options for galaxy size, galaxy resources, technology advancement rate, victory conditions, game length, and more, you can choose how you want to play the game. Game lengths can range from 1 hour, to 40 (or more) hours.

With a fully interactive tutorial, you will be commanding your empire in as little as 30 minutes.

Utilizing similar mechanics to popular 4x board games, Falling Stars mixes the deep strategy and dynamic rule set of a board game with the vast scope and complexity of a video game.

The original soundtrack, composed by Nolan Markey, who interned and later worked for Emmy-winning composer Bear McCreary, (Agents of Shield, The Walking Dead, Outlander), and currently serves as orchestrator for Disney’s Star Wars Rebels, brings you right into the space opera universe of Falling Stars.

Try the free demo here! Nothing is required except an account so you can receive an installer that will automatically update the game


Patch 2 is out!


· * A new line on the battle result panel indicating when a victory point is gained

· * Acknowledgements in chat for gaining victory points through technology bartering and capturing planets


· * Political agendas will no longer claim to give Victory Points when political VPs are disabled

· * When trying to move a single carrier the transfer options did not come up

· * A bug where barter options displayed numbers as if they were fractional (ie. 2.0 instead of 2)

· * The optional conquer / barter choice upon transporting ground units will no longer come up during an all-AI simulation

· * Sustained damage on ships were drawing black boxes around them

· * Dreadnaughts could not sustain more than one hit

· * Sometimes transporting carriables was blocked claiming insiufficient carrying capacity despite there being enough

· * A bug where the button to initiate battle remained greyed out despite having a battle about to happen

· * AI could previously purchase technology they weren’t supposed to be able to


· * Opacity of faded-out interface compoenents reduced (to previous levels)

· * The victory point line on the political agenda screen will now be in relation of your vote not the colorfulness of the portraits above

We’ve got some lets plays up too:


Looks super cool! Broke college student here, but I’ll check it out when I have the money.

Also I noticed how good your skybox looked. Did you use a generator for it? If so, I’m pretty sure we used the same one for We Shall Wake. Lol

Yeah I did use a skybox generator, I love it and am going to make some more! I can’t view your video though unfortunately…