Fall - coded in C++ - Good reviews = Java Port

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It’s actually pretty good, okay the idea is nothing amazing
but you’ve worked the levels up so the limited boost is the key. obviously
you gotta make that visible in the animations to make it cooler. The sideways jetting boost
seemed a bit of a question mark. If I can jet sideways, why not upwards? And who the hell designed this rocketpack so it blows a fuse if i push the button too long? If this is a rule you are dead set on maintaining, you could have a dramatic entrance to explain it, show the character crashlanding hard so his backback is damaged or something?

“obviously you gotta make that visible in the animations to make it cooler.”
Huh? make what more visible? Boosting?

" The sideways jetting boost
seemed a bit of a question mark. If I can jet sideways, why not upwards? "

When you move to the left there is no right-gravity to give you resistance. You can press x to try to ascend, but it’s too heavy for the boosters to make it go upwards. It’s a air-drop ground unit, not a jetpack unit.

hey just tried it, on Windows 7 32bit. Runs fine.

funky music, you also had a decent dificulty increase.

Great game would be a great applet. would be very easy to port over to slick.

some ideas to consider:

  • Use the cape to indicate the direction force of the arrows.
    So it might need to be an independant image, so you would only need a single image for the main character.

  • Complex maze idea
    I noticed with the combination of up arrows and hover you could travel up. maybe have a path were you need to get over an obsticle by using arrows to travel up.
    And maybe even add sideway arrows (that can be used even in easy levels to help the player not bump the edge when learning).

  • A Minimap
    Currently it seems the only way to be good at the game is through repition, would be cool if there was some sort of minimap that gives you a simple image of the map, and your location.

  • Random generated level
    would be cool if there were a bunch of preset sections of a maze that were connected randomly, this would also work if you ever wanted to implement an online multiplayer to compare times.

Tried it on Linux using Ubuntu with Wine. It worked fine, and it was playble.
The sound is annoying - it sounded like pretty bad audio quality… not really what I like to hear, but maybe it is just me.

I found I were unable to pass level 2, the place where you have to move left, over the upwards arrows. <-- I had it on Moon Gravity.

Overall a good game. The only thing that I dont digg is the sound, and animation. :slight_smile:

Edit: Reason I could not pass level two was because I overlooked the X, and Z as controls.
I also lagged alot…

Thank you guys for your replies :slight_smile:

"* A Minimap
Currently it seems the only way to be good at the game is through repition, would be cool if there was some sort of minimap that gives you a simple image of the map, and your location.

OMFG This is a great idea! Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Currently as all collisions are just circles, you could even make the character have a life bar, instead of dying straight away.

With that you can add instant death mines (maybe with a skull on them) as a high level collision.

When the player gets hit by a mine, his boost could go back (or more than full) so he can use hover to fly up for a moment after getting hit to position himself in a better place.

I think it would add a bit more to the game experience.

The game concept is really good. The graphics of the character are good but the rest doesn’t look pro. The music doesn’t match the game style. The game pace is much slower than the music feels. The same goes about the stressing tone of it. And finally it’s too repetitive.

There’re some game play issues I think need improvement:

  1. Game speed make the game way too hard. I know I’m not the best player in the world but I think I’m a much better skilled player than the casual one. The simplicity of the game fits well casual players but the game difficulty is way too high for this type of player and in general.
  2. Controls: the way to use the boost (Z + arrows) is just awkward. I think this makes the game more difficult than it should. It makes the game “artificially” difficult but is in fact a control design flaw.
  3. Level progression is too steep. Create more intermediate levels to have a lower difficulty progression.

Why coding it in C++? Just code it with flixel or maybe even easier, with Stencyl. You’ll have much more chances to have the game reviewed outside the Java world, if that’s your goal.