A game of dodging faces!
Please go easy on me, it’s my first attempt at a 2D game written from scratch.
If you find anything that can be improved in the source code, please post it!
A game of dodging faces!
Please go easy on me, it’s my first attempt at a 2D game written from scratch.
If you find anything that can be improved in the source code, please post it!
Some alpha could help the graphics. Also, it would be nice with a reset button instead of a completele application shutdown.
There seems to be a problem with the boundings too, of the character.
Hmm… alpha… may I ask what that is?
Restarting - yeah, I’m going to do that next.
And yeah the hit box is off.
EDIT - On restarting, how could I go about doing this? I’m still very new to Java.
Hehehe, I could never go for more than 5 seconds
Alpha is transparency channel. JPG doesn’t support alpha channels so you will have to go with PNG (there are other choices but PNGs are the most popular).
The FPS went all over the place, it would go really fast and suddenly slow down and then speed up again. Try bounding the FPS instead of letting the game loop run wild.
Restarting instead of closing could be simply implemented by having a “start” screen that says click to begin. Try playing around with the code to figure out how to implement that
The simplest way, would be to have an isGameover boolean. If this is true, recieve input from the “r” key, to restart all the games variables. Like score, enemy position and payer poisition.
Ra4king, would you mind helping me implement the opening screen? I tried all night yesterday and couldn’t get anything going.
I also tried the FPS cap, but couldn’t get that to go smoothly either; it just ended up looking worse.
A simple boolean variable (ex. “isHomeScreen”) would suffice to setup the opening screen.