External Visions

Link to download demo: External Visions Demo
Steam Greenlight link: External Visions

Game Description

An artistic metroidvania with a classic NES era gameplay, taking the player through the
life of an average man escaping his depression in an imaginary world he created around him.

The game takes place in an old, still running business housing. Main character meets various
different people on his path to find more happiness in his life.

Key Features

  • Fight up to 60 enemies
  • Defeat all 5 bosses
  • Explore more than 140 levels
  • Discover secrets and hidden areas
  • Complete quests and collect items

The game is written in pure Java + LWJGL and will be available for Windows and Linux
Any questions and comments are welcome ;D

Gameplay Trailer







Developed by team BitClub
Team BitClub on Facebook

Hey man, good job, may I ask how many people are working on this project?

We’re a team of two (programmer and artist) working full time on the game, and two part time (music and sfx).

cool! there is a demo somewhere ?

A demo will be released really shortly! (today or tomorrow)
I’ll make a corresponding post here on JGO with links and images as soon as it’s available for download

The demo is out!
External Visions Demo