Export DevIL textures to "custom format"

After loosing this morning trying to load a bmp image directly to an ogl texture without using DevIL, I tried to code a wrapper for a texture and export it to a file, so i could have an image format which doesn’t need devil to load.
There are full blocks that are directly copied from lwgl wiki or from the lwgl nehe tutorials, I hope i made my own code readable.

I have only tried it on linux (in fact i only got it working inside eclipse, i don’t get the classpath an library.path to work :-\ ) it would be nice if someone tries it on other OSes.

Source is inside the jar file, i hope it’d be of some use.

I should moove this to “games showcase”->“tools” since there is really nothing non-trivial to share here

Uhm… there are a bunch of TGA loaders floating around :slight_smile:


thanks for the pointer ;D

A spammer added a comment at the bottom of that page to sell meds. :frowning:

Aye, the site is generally getting smashed by the same spammer at the moment. I’m in process of finding preventitives.
