experimental NetBeans OpenGL QuickSearch module available

Hi all,

i am currently implementing another module which may be included in the next OpenGL Pack release.

It uses the new NetBeans 6.5 QuickSearch feature (similar to ctrl + 3 in eclipse) and searches through several OpenGL resources.

currently are four places indexed:
-OpenGL SDK functions
-OpenGL SDK extensions registry
-Nvidia extensions
-ATI extensions

the module has no dependencies to other modules of the OpenGL Pack but if you have the JOGL API support module already installed (it integrates the JOGL doc and sources into the IDE) you will also have the JOGL sources searchable in the ‘Go to Type’ search category (see first screenshot).

The module requires the latest build of NB 6.5 and a internet connection :wink:
latest NB zip distributions are available here:
(unzip and run)
if you prefer an installer just use the regular netbeans download page.

the OpenGL Quicksearch module is here:
(start netbeans; Tools->Plugins and add the module to the ‘Downloaded’ category and press install; restart netbeans)

for power users:
you can restrict the search to a category with the following prefixes (prefix + space + searchstring):
gl for GL SDK
ext for GL extensions
nv …
ati …

any kind of feedback is very appreciated

(other things which could be indexed, exceptions, proxy issues etc…)