Exiled Kingdoms -Classic RPG- now on Steam!

New gameplay trailer for the Rogue class. Others will follow soon.


Rogues can fight, but they can’t take as much damage as a Warrior. This means they have to be especially careful to avoid getting surrounded by enemies or exposed to some heavy-hitter. They can deal a lot of damage with the Stab skill, but against strong enemies, it may be a good idea to disengage while Stab is cooling down. They can set traps, kick enemies away, use stealth, and other similar tricks. It is probably a more challenging class to play than Warrior, but also more rewarding when you figure out how to use your skills, and if you get the right equipment, they can even tank decently in higher levels.

They also are the best archers, and get big bonuses to disarm traps, find secret doors, or even gossip at taverns.

I really love the style. The game seems to be one of the best 2D RPGs out there, or at least among the ones that I’ve seen and played. However (my personal opinion) I feel that the GUI seems to be…all over the place and a little disorderly. The settings menu icon looks out of place. You should try re-arranging the buttons and make the game a lot more finger-friendly. That’s what I think, anyway.

Good luck, and I’m looking forward to play the game :smiley:

yeah, I’m not entirely satisfied with the UI, however when people play they tend to be more positive towards it.

are you already a tester? if not, and you have an android, feel free to join the alpha and play it.

You are not wrong.

So, I’ve been busy!

v.0.5.823 - 27/10/15

-The 2 remaining Cleric skills have been added. All 28 base skills are in the game now.
-Some enemies use skills now, be careful…
-Balance: enemies do less damage from level 3 and onwards.
-Balance: some armors have been adjusted, especially chain and plate have been slightly nerfed.
-Rogue companions now try to disarm traps.
-Companion AI is able to use some active skills now: Stab, Whirlwind, Heal Wounds, and others.
-New item: Scroll of Detection.
-Bugfix: Cleave will no longer hit allies.
-Bugfix: Player now spawns a bit deeper inside the new area, so it’s less likely to zone back accidentaly.

v.0.5.822 - 18/10/15

-Implemented cleric skill Crusader, Arebenos’ Might, and improved holy Shield.
-Nerfed Warrior skill Cleave.
-Added new tip dialogue about sleeping at inns.

Full changelog here.

Thanks for all the support. I can’t wait to finish implementing all the game mechanics and getting to content design and writing!

Awesome :smiley:

I’ve not played this for a while (trying to learn a new language instead of playing games on my way to work) but I gave it another go today. I really like the lighting you’ve added, the towns look much more of welcoming, safe havens when you arrive at night. Really adds to the feel of the game, well done.

Hello friends! I’ve been quiet for a couple weeks here, but development keeps going on, and on schedule. A lot of elements have been added to the game engine, which is now lacking just a handful of features.

Still no new content except for a few details, so old testers still can’t do much unless they want to start from scratch. Most dungeons have been updated with secret doors, levers that activate/deactivate things, unique items, etc, but no new areas added yet.

Last updates:

v.0.5.828 - 15/11/15

-Save your game at will! You can save in any outdoor area.
-Levers and other switches added to dungeons. Once activated, they may open doors,rise bridges, etc.
-Conversations are now affected by your traits. You will have new replies available, if your scores are high enough. Personality, Intelligence and Awareness will be the ones with more options. It only affects the early quests and conversations for now.
-The “More Goblin Hunt” quest has been entirely replaced with a more interesting one, “The Lost Explorer”.
-Lannegar conversations have been improved.
-Conversation UI updated and improved.

v.0.5.827 - 6/11/15

-Bugfix: some games couldn’t be reloaded, they’ll work now.

v.0.5.826 - 2/11/15

-Changed the game files storage system, for faster loading speeds.
-Game screen is now zoomed out a little, so vision range will be increased.
-Adjustable controls size, so you can make UI smaller in tablets.

v.0.5.825 - 31/10/15

-Internal optimizations.
-bugfix:Firedancer Itharrak no longer spawns in the initial area.

Full changelog here

Finally! ;D Too bad that I lost my save game in my transition from Nexus 4 to Nexus 5X… :frowning:

If you stil keep the old phone, you can export backup, then send the file to the other phone and import backup!

An example of conversation affected by Traits

How the Character Sheet looks now, with all elements added

I deleted the app from it to get some space back. I didn’t think about the save games at that time. I guess deleting the app will delete the saves as well?

I am afraid yes, unless you used the backup option, which creates a file called EK.bak on your external storage folder

Does this mean I can save just before entering a dungeon (for example) and if I get killed I can just reload the save and try again?

Yes. Still there are a few limitations:

-You don’t choose slot, each game you play is always saved in the same slot, so you’l overwrite the previous save.
-There can’t be enemies nearby.
-You can’t be very low on hitpoints.

The first one is there because I want this to be a choices&consequences game, mainly in the dialogues. I want people to make meaningful choices in conversations.

The second and third are a consequence of that. If you save your game in a situation of unavoidable death, you’d effectively lose your game.

Good, I like that you’re making sure actions have consequences. I think the game play would be ruined by a too forgiving save-load methodology.

Yeah, and not only because I want it to be “hard” (which I do), I want to make it replayable too.

Currently I am creating dialogues and quests related to the companions. Adaon sure can bring you a lot of trouble (or sometimes be really helpful) while Grissenda is a bit more neutral. I’ve expanded the dialogue system, it now allows conversations with more than one people, so your companions may have things to say in certain quests and scenes.

The only things still not done, that are not content-related:

-Faction system.
-difficulty level & Ironman mode
-A few UI improvements.

I expect to have all that finished in a week, and then dedicate a couple weeks exclusively to create new content before releasing a public Beta.

Here we go. Game engine is 99% on Beta now, so for the next weeks, focusing on content. Finally!

v.0.5.830 - 28/11/15

-Difficulty Levels added: Normal, Hard, and “Ironman”. Ironman games don’t allow save, and death is permanent. There’s now a separate Ironman Leaderboard to list the XP records from each player.
-New Faction system. Your actions can cause you to become an enemy of a certain town or kingdom, be wary.
-Character creation now makes you choose your trait and skill increases before game starts.
-Balance changes: trait points at level 1 increased from 2 to 4, but only 1 Skill Point granted at level 1.
-Expanded conversations with companions. Still in progress.
-Bugfixes UI adjustments.

Full changelog here

Spotted a typo, when you assign the initial points for a new character (yes, I am starting over again on this game now that there are so many updates) it says ¿Why does everyone hate you?, and it comes with weird upside down Spanish question marks :slight_smile:

Fixed, thanks.

I would advise you to wait for a few days. I am rewriting a lot of the initial quests and replacing items, etc. By tuesday I’ll release 0.5.836, which should be a good one to start from the beginning.


actually, decided to upload it as it is…

v.0.5.836 - 6/12/15

-2 New item slots: belt, and a second ring.
-New quests and conversations in Sydarun Oasis.
-Added items that increase traits.
-Added poisons (usable by rogue only)
-Changed several quests and dialogues in Northern bluemist River

Something strange has happened. In general the loading screens for new map areas are longer. But more than that: a couple times I’ve had the game suddenly close out during one, no crash report pop-up or anything. This only involved crossing the border, nothing else (nothing shooting or chasing).

Like having the vault, btw, and the new secret areas.

It seems there was more, but I forget.