Are you innovative and creative when it comes to developing video games? Would you like to be recognized for these characteristics? Well then you should enter the upcoming European Innovative Game Award 2009 contest.
EIGA 2009 is dedicated to revealing the many applications and possibilities that computer and video games hold in store for the future while also recognizing people like you, hardworking and creative individuals who know that they are onto the next great idea in the field of gaming!
Also, an advancement prize will be given out to distinguish the most innovative project in each of the following categories:
T - Innovative Technology (Hard- and Software)
(Content: Innovative interface, new platform, new software, new application possibilities) -
GD - Innovative Game Design
(Content: new form of gameplay and game design, innovative application(s)) -
AME - Innovative Application Methods and Environments
(Content: innovative form of added value and application, innovative scope of the application through current existent models)
Those eligible are game developers, game publishers, publishing companies, freelance workers, and young new talent such as students or trainees, who create, release, or distribute computer or video games and who have their headquarters and / or residence in an EU member state.
We want the best games at the award ceremony during November 2009 in Frankfurt, Germany. Along with the European Commission, the City of Frankfurt will hand out the award for the most innovative game – and you could be the winner! All you need to do is enter the competition at Hurry, act fast the deadline to enter is coming up soon on September 25, 2009.
So go ahead and take on the challenge to prove that you have the most innovative game that Europe has to offer. We’ll be waiting for you!